Removal to the Islamic public of Iran

H.M. and the others, Iranian citizens, needed to be deported and the CCPR Committee decided to discontinue the consideration of communication No. 3316/2019, owing to the fact that the author’s whereabouts were unknown. Presumably, H.M. left Denmark and moved to another EU country.

  • Decision: 10 January 2024
CCPR 3316/2019

Deportation to Afghanistan

M.M., Afghan citizen, needed to be deported and the CCPR Committee decided to discontinue the consideration of communication No. 2485/2014, owing to the fact that the authors had been granted refugee status in the State party.

  • Decision: 31 January 2024
CCPR 2485/2014


I.A.A. and the others are to be deported and the CCPR Committee decided to discontinue the consideration of communication No. 2592/2015, owing to the fact that the authors had been granted refugee status in the State party

  • Decision: 31 January 2024
CCPR 2592/2015

Бесчеловечное обращение с иранской беженкой

G.K.H.Z., an Iranian Kurdish refugee woman and mother of three children v. Denmark for violation of her rights as a refugee. In April 2022, G.K.H.Z. was fell to the ground and was expelled from a refugee camp in Denmark, was beaten by four police officers with a hard use of physical force towards woman whose […]

  • Decision: 27 October 2023
Human Rights
CCRP 4144/2022

Телекомпания Roj TV A/S против Denmrak по делу о прекращении вещания

The company Roj TV A/S is a Danish company and television channel, which was granted a license to broadcast by the Danish Radio and Television Board in 2003. It broadcasts programs by satellite, mainly in Kurdish, throughout Europe and the Middle East from 2004. In September 2010, Roj TV and its parent company were charged […]

HUDOC 24683-14

Утраченное право голоса в связи с лишением дееспособности

The authors T.S. and M.R., Danish nationals, were deprived of their legal capacity. As a result, they lost the right to vote. They instituted proceedings against the Danish interior ministry, arguing that they had been denied the right to vote in the 2015 parliamentary elections. The High Court of Eastern Denmark dismissed the claims, finding […]

  • Decision: 2 Februar 2021
HUDOC 27338-18

Депортация тунисско-датского гражданина с постоянным запретом на возвращение в Данию

The author A.J., born in Denmark to a Danish mother and a Tunisian father and has dual nationality. A.J. was arrested in 2016 shortly after the Danish intelligence services received a list from Interpol of individuals, including A.J., believed to have been recruited by the terrorist organization the “Islamic State”. A.J. was subsequently convicted of […]

HUDOC 27801-19

Высылка и пожизненный запрет въезда в Данию гражданину Пакистана

F.R.A.v. Denmark on a violation of article 8 of the ECHR. In 2013, the author – F.R.A. was convicted of aggravated attempted robbery, murder and arson and sentenced to 16 years’ imprisonment and expulsion from Denmark. F.R.A. joined her father in Denmark as an infant and made her life in Denmark. She attended school and […]

HUDOC 33809-15

Дело служения Святого Христа

Holy Christ Ministry case Concerning B.R. and M.G., wife and husband, both nationals of Pakistan, are submitting the communication on their own behalf and on behalf of their three minor children, vs Denmark for violation of Articles 6, 7 and 13 of CCPR. The authors are Christians by faith. M.G. has been politically active and […]

  • Decision: 5 September 2023
Human Rights
CCPR 2342/2014

Отказ в убежище гражданину Афганистана

R.S. v. Denmark in violation of art.6,7,18,19,26 of CCPR. The author R.S., an Afghan national born, entered Denmark without valid travel documents and applied for asylum. In 2014, the Danish Immigration Service refused asylum to the author and the Refugee Appeals Board upheld this decision. The author R.S. applied for asylum in Denmark on grounds […]

  • Decision: 9 Marts 2023
Human Rights
CCPR 3046/2017

Депортация в Марокко незамужней женщины и ее несовершеннолетней дочери

The author Z., a national of Morocco, v. Denmark in violation of articles 6,7,14 of the Covenant. Z. was born in a very traditional and conservative family and therefore after having had several sexual relationships in Denmark and becoming pregnant, had a fear to of negative consequences and accusations in her violations of Islamic Moroccan […]

  • Decision: 9 Juni 2023
Human Rights
CCPR 2795/2016

Депортация гражданина Афганистана, которому угрожают пытки в стране происхождения.

The author’s father was the representative of people in Daykundi province in Afghanistan, who delivered public speeches to the communities. Due to the applicant’s father activity, the family had to flee from Afghanistan to Iran, as far as applicant’s father was in danger. The applicant grew up in Iran, where his family still lives illegally, […]

  • Decision: 4 Januar 2023
CAT 1150/2022

Отказано в убежище иракской женщине по мотиву гендерного насилия

C.A.A. v. Denmark on violation CEDAW art. 2,12,16 and the principle of Non-Refoulement of women as stated in General Recommendation #32. C.A.A. came to Denmark on 4, December 2016 and applied for asylum on 5 December 2016. On 5 January 2017, the Danish Immigration Service decided on a request for transfer C.A.A. to Portugal and […]

  • Decision: 11 Marts 2020
CEDAW 163/2020

Депортация жертвы пыток

A.M.A.F. is a stateless person, who came to Denmark from the West Bank (Palestine) in 2012. A.M.A.F. was born in a politically engaged family where both his grandfather and father co-founded the Palestine Liberation Organization, PLO. A.M.A.F. is an IT engineer, with high education. A.M.A.F. was politically active from his earliest youth and took part […]

CAT 1113/2021

Случай обрезания

Concerning A.A.S. vs. Denmark for violation of CRC. The author was denied asylum by the Immigration Service and the Refugee Appels Board upheld the decision. Thus, it was submitted to the Committee on Rights of the Child on behalf of A.A.S. But while it was pending at the Committee, A.A.S was granted Refugee Status by […]

  • Decision: 16 July 2020
CRC 85/2019

Снято с производства

H.S.A. vs Denmark for violation of CEDAW articles 2, 3, 12. The author H.S.A., born in 1943, is a Somali national, originates from the area, which is under heavy fighting between the terrorist organization Al-Shabab and the government. H.S.A. as a single woman fears rape and other forms of gender specific violence on return to […]

  • Decision: 23 February 2023
CEDAW 151/2019

Конфликт с Аль-Шабааб

Concerning A.M.J. vs. Denmark for violation of article 7 of the CCPR. Al-Shabaab sought out the author in 2009. Al-Shabaab’s visits became more and more threatening and frequent over time. One day, he received telephone threats where they accused him for killing Al-Shabaabs local leader. On the same evening, the author’s mother told him that […]

Human Rights
CCPR 3707/2020

Депортация афганского беженца

A.R. v. Denmark on violation of articles 6 and 7 of CCPR by deporting the author to Afghanistan. The author, A.R., an Afghan national born, entered to Denmark in 2015 without valid documents and applied for asylum the same day. As his grounds for asylum, the author has referred to his fear that the elders […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2889/2016

Депортация гражданина Сомали, пребывающего в риске быть подвергнутым пыткам в своей стране

The author M.A.A., former businessman, is from the South of Somalia, where he was harrassed by members of Al-Shabab, who later shot him three times and the author, subsequently, remained in coma for a long time. The author left his country to seek asylum. He did not maintain contact with his family. Not only the […]

  • Decision: 3 August 2018
CAT 733/2016

Депортация курдско-сирийского политического активиста

The author N.A.K., citizen of Syria, v. Denmark in violation of article 3 and article 13 of the Convention against Torture. As a Kurd from Syria, the author subjected to torture by the Syrian authorities for being active in demonstrations in Aleppo in 2004. The author was a member of Kurdish party Yeketi. The Danish […]

CAT 409/2009

Успешное воссоединение семьи

Concerning  A.H.A. et al. vs Denmark for violation of articles 3, 7, 9, 10 and 12 of CRC.  Together with their parents, the authors fled Syria in 2015 and travelled to Denmark. The four youngest authors flew with their mother and grandmother, via Turkey and Greece. The other two authors travelled directly to Denmark with their […]

  • Decision: 20 August 2018
CRC 52/2018

Автор получил вид на жительство, находясь на рассмотрении Комитета В отношении Х. С. против Дании

Concerning H.S. vs Denmark The author applied for asylum in Denmark, but her application was rejected. Thus, it was send to CEDAW. While it was pending at the Committee, the State Party decided to grant her residence permit on the 19 February 2018. Therefore, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women decided to […]

  • Decision: 9 July 2018
CEDAW 113/2017

Портного посадили за пошив курдской одежды

Concerning J.J.I. vs. Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT The author is kurdish. He is a former owner of a textile and cloth store in Damascus, Syria. He was accused of making original Kurdish folklore clothing, which he denied. He was imprisoned in March 2009 and never saw a judge. He was constantly […]

  • Decision: 29 August 2013
CAT 445/2011

Подозревается в шпионаже

Concerning A.M.H. vs Denmark for violation of articles 6 and 7 of CCPR. The author is a Somali citizen, who in 2015 applied for asylum based on his conflict with al-Shabaab. Al-Shabaab tried recruiting him, and when he refused, he was imprisoned for a month before he escaped, and fled to Denmark. He fears being […]

Human Rights
CCPR 3711/2020

Иранская семья выслана из Дании в Италию и обратно

The following case is about the deportation of an Iranian refugee family with four children, aged 1-11, to Italy. The authors arrived in Italy in October 2012. Immediately after they were granted asylum, they were evicted from their temporary shelter and forced to live on the streets. They left for Denmark two weeks later. In […]

  • Decision: 1 November 2019
CRC 43/2018
Human Rights
CCPR 3282/2019

Члены нелегальной церкви

Concerning Y.H. and C.J. et al. vs. Denmark for violation of article 6, 7 and 13 of the CCPR. The Chinese authors together with their minor son entered Denmark in 2015. They have been members of the illegal Christian sect Hu Han Pai since 2008 and attended secret group meetings. Since 2011, the male author […]

  • Decision: 25 March 2021
Human Rights
CCPR 2781/2016

Подготовка террористов-смертников

Concerning Mr. A.H.J vs Denmark for violation of article 6 or 7, 13, and 26 of CCPR. The author’s original asylum motive was that he feared being killed by the Taliban if returned to Afghanistan. He had been abducted and detained by three people linked to the Taliban, as the Taliban wanted to train the […]

  • Decision: 15 June 2017
Human Rights
CCPR 2349/2014

Побег из Ирака, чтобы выйти замуж за гражданина Дании

Concerning N.A.S vs Denmark for violation of articles 2, 12 and 16 of CEDAW. The author was born and raised in Iraq. Her father decided who she will have to marry and she was not told about this. The author met a young man Mr.A (citizen of Denmark) and they fell in love and decided […]

  • Decision: 27 February 2020
CEDAW 109/2016

Возобновленное дело - член партии НСО

Concerning Ms. M.E.N. vs. Denmark violation of CEDAW article 2 (d), 12 and 15. The applicant was born on 1 July 1988 in Burundi. The author is a Burundian national, an ethnic Hutu and a Protestant. In 2008, she became a member of the party FNL, the opposition party to the government in Burundi, as […]

  • Decision: 6 February 2017
CEDAW 72/2014

Клан замешан в деле о кровной мести

Concerning Mr. A.S.I vs Denmark for violation of articles 6 and 7 of CCPR. The author is a Somali citizen who fled his country due to persecution. The author lived with his wife, mother and siblings. His father was killed in 2008 as a result of clan-conflicts. The author belongs to the Awramaaleh-clan who are […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2408/2014

Сомалиец с двумя семьями

Concerning Mr. A.H.F vs Denmark for violation of articles 2 and 3 of ECHR. The applicant is a citizen of Somalia from Misra, a town currently controlled by the Al-Shabaab movement. He is a former member of the Parliament. The applicant had to flee because the Al-shabaab wanted to kill him. He left Somalia and […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2816/2016

Трёхсторонний Меморандум о взаимопонимании

Concerning Mr. A.F.N vs Denmark for the violation of Articles 7 and 13 of CCPR. The complainant applied for asylum in Denmark in May 2010. The complainant also converted to Christianity in Denmark. The Refugee Board rejected his application on 14 February 2012. After the final decision by the Refugee Board, the Danish authorities then […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2852/2016

Осведомленность о торговле наркотиками

Concerning Mr.B.A.G vs Denmark for violation of articles 6 and/or 7 and 13 of CCPR. The author is an economist and educated at the Balkh University in Mazar-e-Sharif. Upon completing his studies, he found employment as an accounting manager in a company. He fled to Denmark because he had found that the company which employed […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2275/2013

Непрофессиональное поведение председателя

Concerning Mr. A.O.H.A Vs Denmark for the violation of articles 6, 7 and 13 (or 14) of CCPR. The author lived in Mogadishu, Somalia, and because of a conflict with another clan and with Al-Shabaab, he was forced to flee Somalia in 2011. The applicant’s uncle had been in Mogadishu because he thought there was […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2563/2015

Охранники по делу бывшего президента Афганистана Х.Карзая

Concerning Mr. A.F.A vs Denmark for violation of articles 6, 7 and 13 of CCPR. Mr. A.F.A arrived in Denmark together with his brother-in-law Mr. N., who was a security guard for the former Afghan president Kazai. Mr. N. was granted asylum in Sweden, since he risks persecution as a former personal bodyguard for the […]

  • Decision: 23 July 2021
Human Rights
CCPR 2591/2015

Отказ в воссоединении семьи для афганской семьи

The author A.B.M., Afghan citizen, fears to return to Afghanistan, stating that he fears the Taliban mainly being Pastuh Sunni Muslims. The author and his family had to flee to Pakistan, where the family remained. The author came to Greece, where his application for family reunification has been rejected and the author came to Denmark […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2472/2014

Обращенного в христианство нужно депортировать

The author M.N. is a national of Afghanistan, converted to Christianity. The author is a Hazara born in Logar Province, Afghanistan, where he worked as an “English-Afghan” interpreter for a company, through which he was hired to serve as an interpreter for the Australian military forces in Afghanistan. According to the author, the Australian soldiers […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2458/2014
Human Rights
CCPR 2459/2014

Принявшего христианство гражданина Афганистана депортируют

The author Z.H. belongs to the minority group of Shia Muslims in Afghanistan and is in risk of persecution because of his ethnical and religious background. During staying in Denmark the author converted to Christianity, so there is a need in protection Sur place. By converting the author supremely violated Sharia law, since, being apostate […]

  • Decision: 28 September 2016
Human Rights
CCPR 2352/2014

Депортация гражданина Афганистана, обращенного в христианство

S.Z.H., Afghan citizen, fears that if deported he will be killed or tortured on return to Afghanistan, since his converting to the Christianity is a violation of Islamic rules. S.Z.H. entered Denmark in 2010 and applied for asylum, which was refused by Danish Immigration Service in 2011 and uphold by Danish Refugee Appeals Board in […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2421/2014

Подавление населения в Чечне

Concerning Ms. R.G vs Denmark for violation of articles 1, 2 (c) and (d), 3, 12 and 15 of CEDAW. The applicant’s husband worked for Mr. R.K and she was left alone for long periods without any knowledge about his activities. In April 2012, her husband came home and told her to get ready to […]

  • Decision: 29 October 2018
CEDAW 73/2014

Кланы Бади и Хавадле

Concerning Ms.F.K vs Denmark for violation of article 2, 7, 14 and 26 of CCPR. The author is a citizen of Eritrea. She and her family fled in 1985 to Sudan. She married a Sudanese man in 1996, but was expelled from the family for doing this. Unfortunately her husband died, so she married a […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2074/2011

Сомалийский ребенок

Concerning Ms. A.O.D. vs. Denmark violation of CEDAW article 2 (d), 12 and 15. The author is a Somali national, born on 27 February 1991. She feared that if she is returned to Somalia, she would be killed by Al-Shabaab and the family of A.A., with whom she had a child outside marriage. When the […]

  • Decision: 27 February 2020
CEDAW 84/2015

Несовершеннолетний ищет убежища вместе со своим братом

Concerning Z.S. and M.S. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 6, 7, 13, 14 and 26 of CCPR. Entering Denmark with his younger brother in November 2010, the complainant applied for asylum. The author’s parents fled from Afghanistan to Iran when he was a kid, as a result of an incidence that occurred. The author’s […]

  • Decision: 11. August 2016
Human Rights
CCPR 2488/2014

Депортация в Болгарию 5 согласно Дублинского регламента

This Communication is a complaint about the deportation of the author to another European Country according to the so-called “Dublin rules”. Since the Danish authorities decided to stop the deportation and allow the asylum application of the author to be processed in Denmark, this Communication was then discontinued.

  • Decision: 11. August 2016
Human Rights
CCPR 2571/2015

Депортация в Италию 3 согласно Дублинского регламента

This Communication is a complaint about the deportation of the author to another European Country according to the so-called “Dublin rules”. Since the Danish authorities decided to stop the deportation and allow the asylum application of the author to be processed in Denmark, this Communication was then discontinued.

  • Decision: 11. August 2016
Human Rights
CCPR 2516/2014

Депортация в Болгарию 4 согласно Дублинского регламента

This Communication is a complaint about the deportation of the author to another European Country according to the so-called “Dublin rules”. Since the Danish authorities decided to stop the deportation and allow the asylum application of the author to be processed in Denmark, this Communication was then discontinued.

  • Decision: 11. August 2016
Human Rights
CCPR 2513/2014

Депортация в Болгарию 3 согласно Дублинского регламента

This Communication is a complaint about the deportation of the author to another European Country according to the so-called “Dublin rules”. Since the Danish authorities decided to stop the deportation and allow the asylum application of the author to be processed in Denmark, this Communication was then discontinued.

  • Decision: 11. August 2016
Human Rights
CCPR 2506/2014

Депортация в Болгарию 2 согласно Дублинского регламента

This Communication is a complaint about the deportation of the author to another European Country according to the so-called “Dublin rules”. Since the Danish authorities decided to stop the deportation and allow the asylum application of the author to be processed in Denmark, this Communication was then discontinued.

  • Decision: 10. August 2016
Human Rights
CCPR 2447/2014

Обращались “почти как с рабами”

Concerning Z (represented by counsel, Marianne Vølund) vs Denmark for violation of articles 7 and 26 of CCPR. The author’s father was from Armenia and his mother from Azerbaijan. When Z was 7 years old, unknown armed men abducted his father and he never saw his father again. After the abduction, his family was harassed […]

  • Decision: 24. May 2016
Human Rights
CCPR 2422/2014

Принявшего христианство гражданина Афганистана депортируют

The author E.A. has converted into Christianity during his stay in Denmark, and thus fear being killed or tortured on return to Afghanistan, since this is a violation of the Islamic rules in this country of origin. E.A. is an afghan citizen, who during his stay in Denmark as an asylum seeker converted from being […]

  • Decision: 30. December 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2320/2013

Депортация в Афганистан

There was a war going on and in 1991 the author and his family were fleeing Afghanistan to Iran. In 2004, the author move back to Afghanistan. In 2006, fighting started between Sunni and Shia Muslims. Commandant F.A. led the attackers, the author’s house was also attacked, and he was fleeing from Afghanistan to Iran […]

  • Decision: 30 December 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2605/2015

Депортация в Италию 2 согласно Дублинского регламента

This Communication is a complaint about the deportation of the author to another European Country according to the so-called “Dublin rules”. Since the Danish authorities decided to stop the deportation and allow the asylum application of the author to be processed in Denmark, this Communication was then discontinued.

  • Decision: 30. December 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2553/2015

Депортация в Болгарию 1 согласно Дублинского регламента

This Communication is a complaint about the deportation of the author to another European Country according to the so-called “Dublin rules”. Since the Danish authorities decided to stop the deportation and allow the asylum application of the author to be processed in Denmark, this Communication was then discontinued.

  • Decision: 30. December 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2514/2014

Депортация в Италию 1 согласно Дублинского регламента

This Communication is a complaint about the deportation of the author to another European Country according to the so-called “Dublin rules”. Since the Danish authorities decided to stop the deportation and allow the asylum application of the author to be processed in Denmark, this Communication was then discontinued.

  • Decision: 30. December 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2492/2014

Депортация в Афганистан

Due to the threat of deportation to Afghanistan, the complaint has been forwarded to the CCPR. Then the case was reopened and the decision changed by the Danish authorities. The CCPR decided to discontinue the consideration of communication No. 2363/2014 because the author and the State party have reached an agreement on the substantive issue […]

  • Decision: 16. September 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2363/2014

Шизофрения, посттравматический стресс и параноидальный психоз

Concerning J.H.Z (represented by Helle Holm Thomsen) vs. Denmark. The author was applying for Danish nationality, but due to his disability (suffering from Schizophrenia, post traumatic stress and paranoid psychosis) he was not able to pass a language test. Since he was not able to get dispensation from Danish authorities he complaint to the Human […]

  • Decision: 19. May 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 1951/2010 CCPR 2012/2010

В против Дании. Посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство

Concerning W vs. Denmark. The author was applying for Danish nationality, but due to his disability (suffering from Post Traumatisk stress) he was not able to pass a language test. Since he was not able to get dispensation from Danish authorities he complaint to the Human Rights Committee in 2011. When new rules were introduced […]

  • Decision: 19. May 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2045/2011

Депортация в Афганистан

Due to the threat of deportation to Afghanistan, the complaint has been forwarded to the CCPR. Then the case was reopened and the decision changed by the Danish authorities. The CCPR decided to discontinue the consideration of communication No. 2369/2014 because the author and the State party have reached an agreement on the substantive issue […]

  • Decision: 11. May 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2369/2014

Пытки эритрейской женщины

Concerning S.A. vs. Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT and article 7 of CCPR. When the author applied for asylum in Denmark, she expressed her fear for the return to Ethiopia as she has gone through torture. If returned she would be kidnapped and tortured by the Ethiopian authorities or forced to perform […]

CAT 460/2011

Из афганца в таджика

Concerning Z.S. vs. Denmark for violation of article 6 or 7 of CCPR. The complainant is a Tadjik Afghan citizen from Maidan Wardak province. As a child his farther and older brother were killed. Consequently, the rest of his family had to flee Afghanistan. The author has no family or relatives in neither Denmark nor […]

  • Decision: 18. November 2014
Human Rights
CCPR 2286/2013

Политическое преследование курда в Сирии

В отношении А. О. против Дании за нарушение статьи 3 КПП и статьи 7 ПГПП.

Автор покинул Сирию в качестве политического обвинителя и был арестован и подвергнут пыткам сирийскими властями из-за своего курдского происхождения. Он въехал в Данию в 2010 году. Когда он подал прошение о предоставлении убежища в Дании, то выразил опасение за возвращение в Сирию, поскольку он, хотя никогда не служил в армии, с 2009 года подвергается политическому преследованию.

Во время своего пребывания в тюрьме он подвергался унижениям, избиениям и пыткам, например, виду пыток под названием “Дулаб”. К концу его пребывания полиция заставила его сотрудничать с ними. Сначала он отказался, но почувствовал, что вынужден следовать приказу ради собственной безопасности и блага, и был освобожден через 2 дня. Он никогда не видел судью.

Датская иммиграционная служба провела интервью с автором, в котором он рассказал о своем пребывании и ситуации в тюрьме еще в марте 2009 года, где он подвергался пыткам, включая “Дулаб”. Для того чтобы иметь возможность проверить такую информацию, иммиграционная служба, как ожидается, спросит автора, хочет ли он принять участие в медицинском освидетельствовании на предмет пыток, и подпишет форму согласия на это. Вместо того, чтобы просить автора подписать форму согласия, Совет решил не откладывать рассмотрение дела, чтобы позволить провести медицинское освидетельствование на предмет пыток – и было решено просто отклонить его прошение о предоставлении убежища и попросить его покинуть страну. В результате отказа в прохождении медицинского освидетельствования в 2011 году Совет по делам беженцев в течение 2 лет не разрешал автору участвовать в программе реабилитации, в которой он отчаянно нуждался, и именно поэтому было заявлено, что решение Совета является нарушением статьи КПП.

  • Decision: 7. November 2014
CAT 484/2011

Жестокое обращение в армии

This case concerns an Eritrean man who served in the Eritrean military. In Eritrea the military service is by law set to be 1 ½ years, however after this period he was forced to stay in the army for another 10 years. The applicant attempted to desert, but was arrested and accused of working against […]

  • Decision: 24. June 2014
CAT 502/2012

Движение "Пентал Коста"

Concerning Ms. F.G vs Denmark for violation of articles 2,7,9,10,18 and 27 of CCPR. The author is a citizen of Eritrea and is a member of a religious minority- the Pental Costa movement- a group of christians who refuse to perform military service. In Eritrea her religious conviction is prohibited by the state. The author […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2023/2011