
This homepage is an easy access to Human Rights cases from Denmark. Most of these cases may also be found on the United Nations homepage (www.ohchr.org), however this homepage is more comprehensive with regard to Danish cases since we also include cases that are discontinued.

You may find cases where the different UN Committees (Human rights, Women, Torture etc.) held the opinion that Denmark was in violation of human rights in concrete cases. Cases where these Committees found no violations by Denmark are also included – just as on the official homepage of the UN.

A link to the UN case page is included when available – in such cases, the UN icon may be clicked for reference:
un pdf

(you may also click and download a pdf version of the UN verdict document in various languages when this icon appears)

Next to that, our homepage also include cases where Denmark decided to reopen the case and by way of example grant Citizenship or Asylum and thus these cases were discontinued by the complainant/author.
Consequently, you may not find them on the official homepage of UN, but nevertheless they are important evidence of Human rights violations in Denmark and should be available to the public.

Finally, we also decided to add some pending cases in order to allow you to know what kind of cases we have in progress. These cases are not on the UN homepage at the moment. They will however be published on the homepage (www.ohchr.org) as Opinions by the different Committees (unless they are discontinued).

Included with the case information is a UN Committee reference code, and sometimes a country name referring to the origin of a person central to the case.

The icons in the sidebar are used in order to mark the different status of the cases. Green colour indicates a “WON” case. Reddish colour indicates a “LOST” case. Each case belongs to one of the following categories:
Final decision – In progress – Discontinued

If you need more information you may contact us.

Attorney at law Niels-Erik Hansen 2015