The Pental Costa movement case

Last updated on February 9th, 2021 at 10:19 am

Concerning Ms. F.G vs Denmark for violation of articles 2,7,9,10,18 and 27 of CCPR.

The author is a citizen of Eritrea and is a member of a religious minority- the Pental Costa movement- a group of christians who refuse to perform military service. In Eritrea her religious conviction is prohibited by the state. The author was then called in for military service. As a result of her Christian faith, she can not carry weapons and will as such be regarded as an opponent to the regime in Eritrea. Thus the author fled to Denmark. The Immigration Service rejected the asylum case and the Refugee Board upheld that decision. 

According to the UNHCR’s guidelines for the assessment of the international protocol needs of asylum,  seekers from Eritrea are reported to be frequently subjected to torture while conscientious objectors can face extreme physical punishment- a means to force them to perform military service. 

Consequently a complaint was sent to CCPR and it was claimed that the author is in need of urgent measure not to be deported in violation of CCPR article 7 in conjunction with her right to freedom of religion. However, the danish authorities decided to reopen the case on 13 august 2013. Thus the case was discontinued at the UNHCR. On the 18 november 2013, the author was granted residence permit by the Danish authorities.

9. February 2021

CCPR 2023/2011
Comm: Human Rights