Deportation to Afghanistan

M.M., Afghan citizen, needed to be deported and the CCPR Committee decided to discontinue the consideration of communication No. 2485/2014, owing to the fact that the authors had been granted refugee status in the State party.

  • Decision: 31 January 2024
CCPR 2485/2014


I.A.A. and the others are to be deported and the CCPR Committee decided to discontinue the consideration of communication No. 2592/2015, owing to the fact that the authors had been granted refugee status in the State party

  • Decision: 31 January 2024
CCPR 2592/2015

Отказ в убежище гражданину Афганистана

The author S.S.S. applied for asylum in Denmark on grounds of risk of being recruited by Taliban regime to the military service and the risk of being considered by Taliban regime as a westernized spy. In 2022, the Danish Immigration Service refused Afghan citizen S.S.S. in an asylum status. This decision was uphold by the […]

Human Rights
CCPR 4344/2023

Отказ в убежище гражданину Афганистана

R.S. v. Denmark in violation of art.6,7,18,19,26 of CCPR. The author R.S., an Afghan national born, entered Denmark without valid travel documents and applied for asylum. In 2014, the Danish Immigration Service refused asylum to the author and the Refugee Appeals Board upheld this decision. The author R.S. applied for asylum in Denmark on grounds […]

  • Decision: 9 Marts 2023
Human Rights
CCPR 3046/2017

Депортация гражданина Афганистана, которому угрожают пытки в стране происхождения.

The author’s father was the representative of people in Daykundi province in Afghanistan, who delivered public speeches to the communities. Due to the applicant’s father activity, the family had to flee from Afghanistan to Iran, as far as applicant’s father was in danger. The applicant grew up in Iran, where his family still lives illegally, […]

  • Decision: 4 Januar 2023
CAT 1150/2022

Мужчине грозит депортация в страну, в которой он никогда не был

Concerning F.M. vs Denmark for violation of articles 6 and 7 of the CCPR. The author, F.M., is in risk of deportation to Afghanistan. His family fled Afghanistan to Iran, where the author was born. The author and his younger brother lost contact with the rest of the family when they were in a separate […]

  • Decision: 6 November 2020
Human Rights
CCPR 2496/2017

Депортация афганского беженца

A.M. v. Denmark on violation of articles 6 and 7 of CCPR by deporting the author to Afghanistan. The author, A.M., an Afghan national born, entered to Denmark in 2009 as an unaccompanied minor and got an asylum status in 2009. In 2018 the author was called to an interview with the Danish Immigration Service, […]

Human Rights
CCPR 3827/2020

Депортация афганского беженца

A.R. v. Denmark on violation of articles 6 and 7 of CCPR by deporting the author to Afghanistan. The author, A.R., an Afghan national born, entered to Denmark in 2015 without valid documents and applied for asylum the same day. As his grounds for asylum, the author has referred to his fear that the elders […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2889/2016

Конфликт с влиятельным генералом армии

Concerning I.K. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 6, 7 and 18 of CCPR. The author is of Hazara ethnicity and an afghan national born in 1996. He got in a conflict with his powerful neighbour, an army general. To avoid further conflict or punishment from the general, he left his home country in October […]

  • Decision: 18 March 2019
Human Rights
CCPR 2373/2014

Угроза депортации в Афганистан, страну, в которой он никогда не был

Concerning E.K. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 6, 7, 13, 14, 18 and 26. The author is an afghan national born in 1992 in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The author and his family had residence cards, but the Iranian authorities refused to renew them in 2008, and the family had stayed illegally in […]

  • Decision: 24 July 2019
Human Rights
CCPR 2346/2014

Родители обратились в христианство

Concerning J.Y. and Z.Y. and their son A.Y., vs. Denmark for violation of articles 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 19 of CRC. The authors are Afghan nationals and fled to Denmark. The authors’ grounds for asylum is based on their conversion from Islam to Christianity, and the fact that the female author refused […]

  • Decision: 31 May 2018
CRC 7/2016

Внебрачные отношения и кровная месть

Concerning R.M. and F.M. vs. Denmark for violation of article 6, 7, 17 and 23 of CCPR. The authors are Afghan nationals and have two minor children. They fled Afghanistan after having had sexual relations outside marriage, which resulted in F.M. becoming pregnant. When she was 3 months pregnant, F.M. was engaged to her uncle’s […]

  • Decision: 24 July 2019
Human Rights
CCPR 2685/2015

Афганский солдат похищенный и угрожаемый талибами боится возвращения

Concerning Mr. A.B.H. vs Denmark for violation of article 7 of CCPR. The author comes from Afghanistan, and was employed as a soldier from 2007 to 2012, training and working with Afghan and American forces. The author’s tasks included arresting members of the Taliban. Due to his work, the author was threatened by the Taliban […]

  • Decision: 8 July 2019
Human Rights
CCPR 2603/2015

7 миллионов афганцев были депортированы

Concerning Mr. M.M vs. Denmark for violation of article 6, 7, 13, 18 and 26 of CCPR. The complainant is a Hazara citizen from Afghanistan. His father was kidnapped by Taliban and his mother died when he was about 9-10 years old. He then lived with his uncle, but due to a conflict with people […]

  • Decision: 14. March 2019
Human Rights
CCPR 2345/2014

Подготовка террористов-смертников

Concerning Mr. A.H.J vs Denmark for violation of article 6 or 7, 13, and 26 of CCPR. The author’s original asylum motive was that he feared being killed by the Taliban if returned to Afghanistan. He had been abducted and detained by three people linked to the Taliban, as the Taliban wanted to train the […]

  • Decision: 15 June 2017
Human Rights
CCPR 2349/2014

Нападение талибов в такси

Concerning Mr. M.A. vs. Denmark violation of CCPR article 6, 7, and 14. In Afghanistan, the author was attacked by knife by a taxi driver. The author fainted and was hospitalised. The author assumed that the attackers were part of the Taliban. Four months later, armed men came knocking on the author’s door. The author […]

  • Decision: 12. May 2017
Human Rights
CCPR 2240/2013

Обещание влиятельному человеку

Concerning M.J.K vs Denmark for violation of articles 6, 7, 14, 18 and 26 of CCPR. The author and his spouse P, started a relationship in Afghanistan in 2007. At that time, P was promised to a powerful man, Mr. A.K. When A.K found out about the author’s relationship with P, he attacked the author […]

  • Decision: 2. May 2017
Human Rights
CCPR 2338/2014

Дело о похищенном брате

The author is an Afghanistan citizen -ethnic Qizilbash born in 1987. When he was 12 years old, his father was killed by a local commander, A.M.B. It is disputed whether it was a targeted killing or whether his father was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The author however explains that because […]

  • Decision: 8. November 2017
Human Rights
CCPR 2419/2014

Министрство социальных дел, мучеников и инвалидов.

Concerning Mr. F.A vs Denmark for violation of articles 6, 7 and 13 of CCPR. The complainant arrived in Denmark in 2011. He worked for the Ministry of Labour, Social affairs, Martyrs and Disabled in Afghanistan. The applicant was involved in delivering humanitarian aid. The applicant’s task was to cover the seven districts of Logar […]

  • Decision: 6 November 2020
Human Rights
CCPR 2671/2015


Concerning Mr. S.Z vs Denmark for violation of articles 6, 7, 13 and 26 of CCPR. The following case has been decided. The Committee has on the 28 July 2016 decided that the communication is inadmissible under article 2 of the Optional Protocol. The author is an Afghan national who arrived in Denmark in 2014 […]

  • Decision: 28. july 2016
Human Rights
CCPR 2625/2015

Трёхсторонний Меморандум о взаимопонимании

Concerning Mr. A.F.N vs Denmark for the violation of Articles 7 and 13 of CCPR. The complainant applied for asylum in Denmark in May 2010. The complainant also converted to Christianity in Denmark. The Refugee Board rejected his application on 14 February 2012. After the final decision by the Refugee Board, the Danish authorities then […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2852/2016

Осведомленность о торговле наркотиками

Concerning Mr.B.A.G vs Denmark for violation of articles 6 and/or 7 and 13 of CCPR. The author is an economist and educated at the Balkh University in Mazar-e-Sharif. Upon completing his studies, he found employment as an accounting manager in a company. He fled to Denmark because he had found that the company which employed […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2275/2013

Найдена спрятанная Библия

Concerning Mr. M.H.N vs Denmark for violation of articles 6, 7 and 14 of CCPR. The author came to Europe in 2008, but Germany returned him to Greece in 2009 under the Dublin accord. Since it was not possible to get protection in Greece, he returned to his country of origin, Afghanistan. When he returned […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2385/2014

Охранники по делу бывшего президента Афганистана Х.Карзая

Concerning Mr. A.F.A vs Denmark for violation of articles 6, 7 and 13 of CCPR. Mr. A.F.A arrived in Denmark together with his brother-in-law Mr. N., who was a security guard for the former Afghan president Kazai. Mr. N. was granted asylum in Sweden, since he risks persecution as a former personal bodyguard for the […]

  • Decision: 23 July 2021
Human Rights
CCPR 2591/2015

Депортация в Афганистан

The author H.A. is an ethnic Hazara of the Shia Muslim Afghan citizen, his request for asylum in Denmark was rejected. His father, who owned a shop in Jalriz, as well as three cars, had been subjected to extortion by the Taliban over a period of time after having expressed his favourable views of the […]

  • Decision: 9 July 2018
Human Rights
CCPR 2328/2014

Отказ в воссоединении семьи для афганской семьи

The author A.B.M., Afghan citizen, fears to return to Afghanistan, stating that he fears the Taliban mainly being Pastuh Sunni Muslims. The author and his family had to flee to Pakistan, where the family remained. The author came to Greece, where his application for family reunification has been rejected and the author came to Denmark […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2472/2014

"Слишком много деталей и нюансов в объяснении”

Concerning Mr. S.A.M vs Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT. The author arrived in Denmark and applied for asylum in 2011. He arrived as a minor without accompanying family and explained that he fled from the Taliban in Afghanistan. The author’s family and father had a conflict with a commander Mr. S. The […]

  • Decision: 3 August 2018
CAT 693/2015

Обращенного в христианство нужно депортировать

The author M.N. is a national of Afghanistan, converted to Christianity. The author is a Hazara born in Logar Province, Afghanistan, where he worked as an “English-Afghan” interpreter for a company, through which he was hired to serve as an interpreter for the Australian military forces in Afghanistan. According to the author, the Australian soldiers […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2458/2014

Принявшего христианство гражданина Афганистана депортируют

The author Z.H. belongs to the minority group of Shia Muslims in Afghanistan and is in risk of persecution because of his ethnical and religious background. During staying in Denmark the author converted to Christianity, so there is a need in protection Sur place. By converting the author supremely violated Sharia law, since, being apostate […]

  • Decision: 28 September 2016
Human Rights
CCPR 2352/2014

Депортация гражданина Афганистана, обращенного в христианство

S.Z.H., Afghan citizen, fears that if deported he will be killed or tortured on return to Afghanistan, since his converting to the Christianity is a violation of Islamic rules. S.Z.H. entered Denmark in 2010 and applied for asylum, which was refused by Danish Immigration Service in 2011 and uphold by Danish Refugee Appeals Board in […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2421/2014

Переводчик американской разведки

Concerning Mr. E.U.R (Represented by Marianne Vølund) vs Denmark for violation of articles 7 and 19 of CCPR. Early 2010 the author started working as an interpreter. He worked for the American Intelligence, where his employer was Mr. M.W. As part of his job, he interpreted four conversations between Mr. M.W and his agent concerning […]

  • Decision: 9. September 2016
Human Rights
CCPR 2469/2014

Несовершеннолетний ищет убежища вместе со своим братом

Concerning Z.S. and M.S. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 6, 7, 13, 14 and 26 of CCPR. Entering Denmark with his younger brother in November 2010, the complainant applied for asylum. The author’s parents fled from Afghanistan to Iran when he was a kid, as a result of an incidence that occurred. The author’s […]

  • Decision: 11. August 2016
Human Rights
CCPR 2488/2014

Приобретение недвижимости в Афганистане

Concerning A (represented by counsel, Joseph W. Allen) vs Denmark for violation of articles 6, 7, 13 and 14 of CCPR. The author’s father purchased a property from a man named Q. Shortly after that transaction, Q died of illness. Thereafter, three of Q’s relatives, approached the author’s father in order to claim the property. […]

  • Decision: 4. August 2016
Human Rights
CCPR 2357/2014

Принявшего христианство гражданина Афганистана депортируют

The author E.A. has converted into Christianity during his stay in Denmark, and thus fear being killed or tortured on return to Afghanistan, since this is a violation of the Islamic rules in this country of origin. E.A. is an afghan citizen, who during his stay in Denmark as an asylum seeker converted from being […]

  • Decision: 30. December 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2320/2013

Депортация в Афганистан

There was a war going on and in 1991 the author and his family were fleeing Afghanistan to Iran. In 2004, the author move back to Afghanistan. In 2006, fighting started between Sunni and Shia Muslims. Commandant F.A. led the attackers, the author’s house was also attacked, and he was fleeing from Afghanistan to Iran […]

  • Decision: 30 December 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2605/2015

Изнасилован талибами

Concerning M.S. (represented by counsel, Line Bøgsted) vs Denmark for a violation of article 17 of CAT. The complainant was born in Kandahar, Afghanistan. He claims that he was abducted by the Taliban twice and tortured. Among other acts of torture, he claims that every second or third night, his hands and feet were tied […]

  • Decision: 14. October 2015
CAT 571/2013

Депортация в Афганистан

Due to the threat of deportation to Afghanistan, the complaint has been forwarded to the CCPR. Then the case was reopened and the decision changed by the Danish authorities. The CCPR decided to discontinue the consideration of communication No. 2363/2014 because the author and the State party have reached an agreement on the substantive issue […]

  • Decision: 16. September 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2363/2014

Угроза из-за перевода дела военных сил США

The applicant is an Afghan Sunni Muslim. In the years 2006 to 2011, he worked as an interpreter for the United States military forces in Afghanistan. Due to his work, he received threats over the phone. Additionally, the Taliban distributed “night letters”, where his name was included as an example of a traitor. One time, […]

  • Decision: 11. September 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2393/2014

Дело о борьбе с наркопреступностью в Афганистане

The applicant is an Afghan national born in 1985. In Afghanistan, he worked as an agent working to fight drug-related crimes. As part of the work, he collaborated with several English-speaking organizations such as the Narcotics International Unit and the Drug Enforcement Administration of the United States of America. Due to his work, he was […]

  • Decision: 7. September 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2370/2014

Украденные свадебные фотографии

Concerning X (represented by counsel, Helge Norrug) vs Denmark for violation of articles 7,18 and 26 of CCPR. The author used to live in Afghanistan, with his parents, brother and sister. He worked as a photographer. The author claims that he was asked by a powerful rich man, Mr. H.A.K., to record his daughter’s wedding […]

  • Decision: 11. May 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2515/2014

Депортация в Афганистан

Due to the threat of deportation to Afghanistan, the complaint has been forwarded to the CCPR. Then the case was reopened and the decision changed by the Danish authorities. The CCPR decided to discontinue the consideration of communication No. 2369/2014 because the author and the State party have reached an agreement on the substantive issue […]

  • Decision: 11. May 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2369/2014

Из афганца в таджика

Concerning Z.S. vs. Denmark for violation of article 6 or 7 of CCPR. The complainant is a Tadjik Afghan citizen from Maidan Wardak province. As a child his farther and older brother were killed. Consequently, the rest of his family had to flee Afghanistan. The author has no family or relatives in neither Denmark nor […]

  • Decision: 18. November 2014
Human Rights
CCPR 2286/2013

Дания высылает отца двоих детей в Афганистан

Concerning M.A.H and his two children vs. Denmark for violation of articles 2, 13, 23 and 24 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and of his children’s rights under article 23 and 24 of the Covenant. The author, an Afghan national, entered Denmark in 1999, 13 years old. The author’s father, stepmother and […]

  • Decision: 24 October 2014
Human Rights
CCPR 2243/2013

Обвиняется по делу о теракте

Concerning Mr. K.H vs Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT. The complainant arrived in Denmark on 25 July 2010, without valid travel documents, and applied for asylum the next day. The complainant was fleeing from the Taliban and the Afghan authorities. He had been detained by the Taliban and then arrested by the […]

  • Decision: 7. February 2013
CAT 464/2011