Deportation of the victim of torture from Morocco

A.A.M. entered to Denmark in 2016 and applied for asylum. He had been detained and tortured by the Moroccan authorities, because of A.A.M.’s participation in peaceful demonstrations for the independence of Western Sahara.  The author was tortured (torn out nails and raped) and medical examination did not exclude this. The psychiatric examination showed that the […]

CAT 1068/2021

Deportation of Afghan citizen who is in risk of torture in the country of origin

The author’s father was the representative of people in Daykundi province in Afghanistan, who delivered public speeches to the communities. Due to the applicant’s father activity, the family had to flee from Afghanistan to Iran, as far as applicant’s father was in danger. The applicant grew up in Iran, where his family still lives illegally, […]

  • Decision: 4 Januar 2023
CAT 1150/2022

Deportation of victim of torture

A.M.A.F. is a stateless person, who came to Denmark from the West Bank (Palestine) in 2012. A.M.A.F. was born in a politically engaged family where both his grandfather and father co-founded the Palestine Liberation Organization, PLO. A.M.A.F. is an IT engineer, with high education. A.M.A.F. was politically active from his earliest youth and took part […]

CAT 1113/2021

Deportation of Somali citizen who is in risk of torture in the country of origin

The author M.A.A., former businessman, is from the South of Somalia, where he was harrassed by members of Al-Shabab, who later shot him three times and the author, subsequently, remained in coma for a long time. The author left his country to seek asylum. He did not maintain contact with his family. Not only the […]

  • Decision: 3 August 2018
CAT 733/2016

Deportation of Kurdish-Syrian political activist

The author N.A.K., citizen of Syria, v. Denmark in violation of article 3 and article 13 of the Convention against Torture. As a Kurd from Syria, the author subjected to torture by the Syrian authorities for being active in demonstrations in Aleppo in 2004. The author was a member of Kurdish party Yeketi. The Danish […]

CAT 409/2009

Tailor imprisoned for sewing kurdish clothes

Concerning J.J.I. vs. Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT The author is kurdish. He is a former owner of a textile and cloth store in Damascus, Syria. He was accused of making original Kurdish folklore clothing, which he denied. He was imprisoned in March 2009 and never saw a judge. He was constantly […]

  • Decision: 29 August 2013
CAT 445/2011

Refusing to give torture examination

Concerning A.H.M. vs. Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT. The author is a Somali citizen born in 1972. He Is from a small town South West of Mogadishu – which is controlled by al-Shabaab. He fled to Denmark and applied for asylum, but his application got rejected. If the author is deported back […]

  • Decision: 21. Marts 2024
CAT 985/2020

Jesus Hope of Life NGO case

The author is from Pakistan and Christian by birth. He was a member of Jesus Hope of Life, an NGO. His task was to share the word of the Bible to people of other religions. During an event, he met a Muslim Mullah who strongly disapproved the author’s christian believes. Hereafter, the author received a […]

  • Decision: 25. August 2017
CAT 625/2014

Brother participating in equality movement case

Concerning Mr. S.S.B vs Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT. The author worked in a store in Sudan. Three men from the National Security Force entered the store and stabbed the author with a knife several times. The author’s brother was affiliated to the Justice and Equality Movement and the three men wanted […]

  • Decision: 19. June 2017
CAT 602/2014

التدابير المؤقتة في قضية تعذيب

The author is from Turkey. As an asylum motive, he explained that he feared being sentenced to a longer prison term because he had been a member of a number of parties, including the PKK and KCK from 2006 to 2010. Furthermore, the applicant feared being sentenced a long prison sentence because he was a […]

  • Decision: 25 Januar 2021
CAT 743/2016


Concerning Mr. M.B. and Mrs. A.B. and their two children, D.M.B. and D.B (represented by counsel, Jytte Lindgard) Vs Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT. Mr. M.B. submits that while grocery shopping in Nazran, Russia, 2 other men bought large quantities of food and asked M.B. to transport them. On the way he […]

  • Decision: 24. January 2017
CAT 634/2014

“Too much detail and nuance in the explanation” case

Concerning Mr. S.A.M vs Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT. The author arrived in Denmark and applied for asylum in 2011. He arrived as a minor without accompanying family and explained that he fled from the Taliban in Afghanistan. The author’s family and father had a conflict with a commander Mr. S. The […]

  • Decision: 3 August 2018
CAT 693/2015

Refugee Quota

Concerning Mr. R.K vs. Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT. The author was tortured before fleeing Iran in the 1980’s and he applied for asylum in Greece. He was invited to Denmark on the so-called Refugee Quota and he got a residence permit in 1991 as a Convention Refugee.  Since 1991, he did […]

  • Decision: 1. September 2016
CAT 607/2014

Almighty God case

Concerning Mr. C.Y vs. Denmark violation of CAT article 3. The Chinese applicant belonged to a Christian organization named The Almighty God. The members met often and held church services. In 2007, the Chinese government labelled the organization as being against the communist party and against the government. The government started arresting the members, and […]

CAT 647/2014

Eelam People’s Democratic Party case

Concerning J.N. vs Denmark for violation of articles 3 and 22 of CAT. The complaint originates from Sri Lanka. The main reason for the complainant’s asylum claim is a conflict with the Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) in connection with his son V. Both his sons were forced to train with Liberation Tigers of Tamil […]

  • Decision: 12. August 2016
CAT 628/2014

Romanian conviction of fraud case

The complainants are Ms. I.M. and Mr. V.Z, both Romanian nationals born in 1967 and 1968 respectively. The complainants used to own a private business. In 2001, their business faced serious financial obstacles. As a result, the complainants were sued by their creditors, principally by someone called Mr. M.C. The complainants claimed that they received […]

  • Decision: 7. June 2016
CAT 593/2014


Concerning C.N. (represented by counsel, Tage Goettsche) vs Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT. The author was persecuted in Nigeria by the Department of Security (DSSS) and by a suspected terrorist, A.U., who thought that the complainant has reported him to the authorities. The DSSS contacted the complainant asking him to come for […]

  • Decision: 1. June 2016
CAT 709/2015


Concerning F. K. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 3 and 12 of CAT. The Committee Against Torture found that Denmark had violated CAT articles 3, 12 and 16, with regard to forcibly returning the complainant to Turkey, and also inhumane treatment during his detention in a Danish prison camp for asylum seekers. The author […]

  • Decision: 22. December 2015
CAT 580/2014


Concerning M.S. (represented by counsel, Line Bøgsted) vs Denmark for a violation of article 17 of CAT. The complainant was born in Kandahar, Afghanistan. He claims that he was abducted by the Taliban twice and tortured. Among other acts of torture, he claims that every second or third night, his hands and feet were tied […]

  • Decision: 14. October 2015
CAT 571/2013


The complainant is a Chinese national born on 8 May 1953. In 2005, he was working as a taxi driver and transported a passenger, whom the Chinese authorities suspected of being a Uighur terrorist. Soon afterwards, despite the fact that the complainant was not personally acquainted with the passenger, he was arrested by the police, […]

  • Decision: 12. October 2015
CAT 555/2013

Eritrean Woman Torture Case

Concerning S.A. vs. Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT and article 7 of CCPR. When the author applied for asylum in Denmark, she expressed her fear for the return to Ethiopia as she has gone through torture. If returned she would be kidnapped and tortured by the Ethiopian authorities or forced to perform […]

CAT 460/2011

الاضطهاد السياسي لرجل كردي في سوريا

Concerning A. O. vs. Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT and article 7 of CCPR. The author left Syria as a political prosecutor and has been arrested and subjected to torture by the Syrian authorities due to his Kurdish background. He entered Denmark in 2010. When he applied for asylum in Denmark, he […]

  • Decision: 7. November 2014
CAT 484/2011

Mistreated in military case

This case concerns an Eritrean man who served in the Eritrean military. In Eritrea the military service is by law set to be 1 ½ years, however after this period he was forced to stay in the army for another 10 years. The applicant attempted to desert, but was arrested and accused of working against […]

  • Decision: 24. June 2014
CAT 502/2012


Concerning N.A vs Denmark for violation of articles 3 of CAT.   Since 1982, the applicant has been called yearly to perform military service, but he has not responded to the calls. He was a member of the Kurdistan Liberation Party (PRK). In 1982, a number of party members were arrested and provided the police […]

  • Decision: 20. June 2014
CAT 466/2011

قضية نمور تحرير تاميل إيلام

Concerning Ms. M.S vs Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT. The complainant fears that if returned to Sri Lanka, she will be subjected to torture because of her affiliation with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. She is a Tamil herself. Although she was never a Tamil Tiger, her nephew was a prominent […]

  • Decision: 16. December 2013
CAT 429/2010


Concerning Mr. K.H vs Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT. The complainant arrived in Denmark on 25 July 2010, without valid travel documents, and applied for asylum the next day. The complainant was fleeing from the Taliban and the Afghan authorities. He had been detained by the Taliban and then arrested by the […]

  • Decision: 7. February 2013
CAT 464/2011


Concerning Mr. A.A vs Denmark for violation of articles 2, 12 and 16 of CAT. The author had nine friends who worked for the intelligence service of Saddam Hussein and served in his palaces. When visiting one of them in 1995, he was detained, as it turned out that these friends were members of the […]

  • Decision: 6. February 2013
CAT 412/2010


Concerning S.A vs Denmark for violation of articles 3 and 22 of CAT. The complainant was born in Ghazvin in Iran. In July 2002, the complainant became actively involved in a monarchist group called “Refrondom Komite” (the Committee for Reformation on the Wall), a subgroup of the Royalist Party. One day, while handing out leaflets, […]

  • Decision: 30. November 2010
CAT 339/2008

Psychological torture by virtue of detention in solitary confinement

Concerning Ms. Helle Jensen (represented by counsel, Mr. Tyge Trier and Mr. Brent Sørensen) vs Denmark for violation of articles 1,12 and 16 of CAT. The author was arrested in her home in North Western Zealand and charged with smuggling cigarettes. The Court ordered the author’s detention and solitary confinement. The solitary confinement period was […]

  • Decision: 24. May 2004
CAT 202/2002

Independence for Punjab

Concerning  Mr. R.S. (represented by Mr. Hans Mogensen) vs Denmark for violation of articles 22 of CAT. The author is a Sikh who grew up in a district in Punjab, India. His uncle and older brother were members of the Sikh Students Federation and the Khalistan Commando Force (KCF). The avowed aim of the KCF […]

  • Decision: 24. May 2004
CAT 225/2003

Groupe Islamic Algérien

Mr. M. O. (represented by Ms. Birte Falkesgaard-Larsen) vs Denmark for violation of articles 22 of CAT. The complainant served as a corporal in a weapons store in the Algerian army. In 1994, he was contacted by representatives of the Groupe Islamic Algérien (GIA), who asked him to work for them and he refused. The […]

  • Decision: 21. November 2003
CAT 209/2002

Member of the Citizens’ Union in Russia

Concerning Mr. V. R. vs Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT. On 6 November 1992, the author and his wife entered Denmark and immediately applied for asylum. The author’s application was rejected and his family and he returned to Russia. Upon returning to the Russian Federation from Denmark, the complainant alleges that he […]

  • Decision: 21. November 2003
CAT 210/2002

Islamic Movement Al‑Jama’a al‑Islamiya al‑Libya

Concerning  Mr. F.F.Z. vs Denmark for violation of articles 3 and 22 of CAT. The complainant lived in the city of Benghazi in Libya since he was born. His cousin A.A. was a member of the Islamic Movement Al‑Jama’a al‑Islamiya al‑Libya (hereinafter called Al Jama’a). The complainant spent a lot of time with his cousin, […]

  • Decision: 24. May 2002
CAT 180/2001

Zwiadists Political Party

Concerning Ms. E.T.B. (Represented by Let Bosnia Live) vs Denmark for violation of articles 3 and 22 of CAT. The complainant is a widow with two minor children, all Georgian citizens of Mengrel ethnic origin. In Georgia she and her deceased husband, were working for the former Georgian President, and his political party, the Zwiadists, […]

  • Decision: 24. May 2002
CAT 146/1999

Partido Roldosista Ecuatoriano

Concerning S.C. vs Denmark for violation of article 3 and 22 of CAT. The author states that she became a member of the illegal opposition party Partido Roldosista Ecuatoriano (PRE) in Santo Domingo, Ecuador, in April 1995, but underlines that she had been an active supporter since 1985. The author’s involvement includes distributing political propaganda […]

  • Decision: 17. August 1999
CAT 143/1999