Suspected terrorist in Nigeria

Last updated on July 20th, 2021 at 11:21 am

Concerning C.N. (represented by counsel, Tage Goettsche) vs Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT.

The author was persecuted in Nigeria by the Department of Security (DSSS) and by a suspected terrorist, A.U., who thought that the complainant has reported him to the authorities. The DSSS contacted the complainant asking him to come for a questioning. However, he was warned by one of the DSSS officers that he would be arrested if he came. Thus the author fled to Denmark and applied for asylum.
The Danish authorities rejected the author’s application for asylum as they found his story incredulous. Thus a complaint was sent to CAT. The Committee considers that the limited information presented by the complainant is not sufficient to permit either establishing of the risk of torture for him in Nigeria by the DSSS or by A.U., or verifying the arbitrariness in the decisions of the domestic immigration and other authorities in his asylum case. Thus, the Committee declares this communication to be inadmissible.

20. July 2021

CAT 709/2015
  • Decision: 1. June 2016
  • Comm: Torture