Deportación de ciudadano de Zimbabue

T.M.D.M. v. Denmark in a violation 2,3,12 of the Convention The author arrived legally to Denmark in 2017. When the visa expired, the author overstayed. In 2019 she was stopped by police and consequently the author requested the refugee status. The author was taken into custody for murders, rapists and other forms of serious crimes, […]

  • Decision: 27 May 2024
CEDAW 161/2020

Deniegan asilo a mujer iraquí por motivos de violencia de género

C.A.A. v. Denmark on violation CEDAW art. 2,12,16 and the principle of Non-Refoulement of women as stated in General Recommendation #32. C.A.A. came to Denmark on 4, December 2016 and applied for asylum on 5 December 2016. On 5 January 2017, the Danish Immigration Service decided on a request for transfer C.A.A. to Portugal and […]

  • Decision: 11 Marts 2020
CEDAW 163/2020
CEDAW 144/2019

HSA contra Dinamarca por violación de los artículos 2, 3, 12 de la CEDCM

H.S.A. vs Denmark for violation of CEDAW articles 2, 3, 12. The author H.S.A., born in 1943, is a Somali national, originates from the area, which is under heavy fighting between the terrorist organization Al-Shabab and the government. H.S.A. as a single woman fears rape and other forms of gender specific violence on return to […]

  • Decision: 23 February 2023
CEDAW 151/2019

Fleeing from violent uncle

Concerning F.H.A vs. Denmark for violation of articles 1 and 2 (d), read in conjunction with article 2 (e) and (f), of CEDAW. The author of the communication is F.H.A., a Somalian national born in 1988. In June 2010, the author began a relationship with a man against her uncle’s will. They were married in […]

  • Decision: 17 February 2020
CEDAW 108/2016

Demandante obtuvo permiso de residencia mientras su caso estaba pendiente ante el Comité

Concerning H.S. vs Denmark The author applied for asylum in Denmark, but her application was rejected. Thus, it was send to CEDAW. While it was pending at the Committee, the State Party decided to grant her residence permit on the 19 February 2018. Therefore, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women decided to […]

  • Decision: 9 July 2018
CEDAW 113/2017

Falsely accused and sentenced to death

Concerning H.D. vs Denmark for violation of articles 2, 12 and 15 of CEDAW. The author is a national of Somalia, born in 1989. She was married in 2007 and her husband disappeared in 2010. In 2013, the author began a relationship with another man, A. It was a secret, because if al-Shabaab knew she […]

  • Decision: 9 July 2018
CEDAW 76/2014

Fleeing from forced marriage

Concerning A.N.A. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 3, 5 and 16 (b) of CEDAW. The author fled Somalia because she fears persecution and forced marriage by Al-Shabaab. This is because her family refused when an Al-Shabaab member asked to marry the author. Al-Shabaab members then tried to take her away, but she managed to […]

  • Decision: 15 July 2019
CEDAW 94/2015

Domestic abuse for 11 years

Concerning K.I.A. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 1 and 2 (d), read in conjunction with articles 2 (e) and (f) of CEDAW. The author travelled to Denmark in 2013 with her 5 children and applied for asylum. The author is a Jordanian of Palestinian origin. She was forced to marry a 47-year-old man whom […]

  • Decision: 17 December 2019
CEDAW 82/2015

Chechen woman raped by Russian soldiers

Concerning M.K.M. vs. Denmark for violation of article 2 (d)-(f), 5 (a) and 16 (1) (d) of CEDAW. The author has several times faced problems with the rebels and the authorities in Chechnya. The first time was when she was living with her first husband. in 2005 the author’s husband and his father were arrested […]

  • Decision: 29 October 2018
CEDAW 81/2015

Chechen woman sexually assaulted by the authorities

Concerning Mrs. A.R.I. vs. Denmark for violation of article 2 (c) – (f) and article 5 (a) of CEDAW. The author had been studying medicine for almost a year when the armed conflict broke out in Chechnya. The author was not a member of any political or religious organizations and had not sympathized with the […]

  • Decision: 25 February 2019
CEDAW 96/2015

Caso de mujer que teme su esposo si la fuerzan a regresar

Concerning Ms. R.S.A.A. vs Denmark for violation of articles 1 and 2 (d), read in conjunction with article 2 (c) and (f), and article 15 (4) of CEDAW. The applicant is a stateless Palestinian raised in a refugee camp near Damascus. She has held a Jordanian passport since her marriage to a Jordanian national and […]

  • Decision: 15 July 2019
CEDAW 86/2015

Caso de persecución de mujer incendiada

This case is an important decision from CEDAW about asylum for women. It is the very first case in Denmark where it is decided that Denmark would violate the CEDAW if the author was deported. Concerning A. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 1, 2 (c) and (d), 3, 12, 15 and 16 of the […]

  • Decision: 8 December 2015
CEDAW 53/2013

Deportación de ciudadano somalí

F.M.A. v. Denmark in a violation art. 2,3,12 of the Convention The author originates from an area in Somalia under the control of the terrorist organization Al-Shabab. The author as a single woman fears rape/forced marriage and other forms of gender specific violence on return. F.M.A. has already suffered FGM in Somalia before fleeing and […]

CEDAW 147/2019

Fleeing Iraq to marry Danish citizen case

Concerning N.A.S vs Denmark for violation of articles 2, 12 and 16 of CEDAW. The author was born and raised in Iraq. Her father decided who she will have to marry and she was not told about this. The author met a young man Mr.A (citizen of Denmark) and they fell in love and decided […]

  • Decision: 27 February 2020
CEDAW 109/2016

Reopened case – member of FNL party

Concerning Ms. M.E.N. vs. Denmark violation of CEDAW article 2 (d), 12 and 15. The applicant was born on 1 July 1988 in Burundi. The author is a Burundian national, an ethnic Hutu and a Protestant. In 2008, she became a member of the party FNL, the opposition party to the government in Burundi, as […]

  • Decision: 6 February 2017
CEDAW 72/2014

Iranian Green Movement case

Concerning Ms. P.H.A vs Denmark for violation of Articles 1, 2, 3, 12 and 15 of CEDAW.   The applicant left Iran because she and her husband were tortured. In 2007, The applicant was given 25 lashes for serving alcohol. In 2009, the applicant’s husband participated in the Iranian Green Movement demonstrations after which he […]

  • Decision: 24. November 2016
CEDAW 61/2013

Somali Rumoured Affair Case

Concerning Ms. K.A.S vs Denmark for violation of articles 1, 2, 12 and 15 of CEDAW. The author feared being killed by her spouse, the population of village Q, or Al-Shabaab in case of her return to Somalia, because she had been accused of being unfaithful to her spouse. A rumour was spread about her […]

  • Decision: 24. November 2016
CEDAW 71/2014

Mujer utilizada como caso de indemnización

Concerning Ms. K.I.A vs Denmark for violation of Articles 2d, 12 and 15 of CEDAW. The author fears getting killed by her family and Al-Shabaab if she returns to Somalia. The author has been under complete male dominance in her home country of Somalia. First her father used to control her and when he was […]

  • Decision: 12 September 2018
CEDAW 93/2015

Refused to marry an Al-Shabaab member

Concerning S.J.A. (represented by counsel, Tage Gøttsche) vs Denmark for violation of article 3, 5 and 16 of CEDAW. The author originates from Ceel Garas, Galguduud region in Somalie. In December 2013,  A.H., a high-ranking member of Al-Shabaab wanted to marry her and asked her father for her hand several times. Knowing that that author […]

  • Decision: 6. November 2017
CEDAW 79/2014

Suppressing the population in Chechnya case

Concerning Ms. R.G vs Denmark for violation of articles 1, 2 (c) and (d), 3, 12 and 15 of CEDAW. The applicant’s husband worked for Mr. R.K and she was left alone for long periods without any knowledge about his activities. In April 2012, her husband came home and told her to get ready to […]

  • Decision: 29 October 2018
CEDAW 73/2014

Somalian escaped forced marriage

Concerning S.A.O vs Denmark violation of CEDAW article 2, 12, 16 and general recommendation no. 32. The author is a single woman from Somalia seeking protection in Denmark against refoulement. After the author’s parent’s death, she lived with her uncle’s family where she was beaten, spoken rudely to, and treated as a slave. The author […]

  • Decision: 29 October 2018
CEDAW 101/2016

Somalian Woman with child

Concerning Ms. S.F.A. vs. Denmark violation of CEDAW. The following case has been decided. The Committee decided the 26 February 2018 that the communication is inadmissible. The author is a single woman from Somalia with a child. The author fears getting killed by her family or surrendered to Al-Shabaab, due to the fact that she […]

  • Decision: 26 February 2018
CEDAW 85/2015

Somalian child case

Concerning Ms. A.O.D. vs. Denmark violation of CEDAW article 2 (d), 12 and 15. The author is a Somali national, born on 27 February 1991. She feared that if she is returned to Somalia, she would be killed by Al-Shabaab and the family of A.A., with whom she had a child outside marriage. When the […]

  • Decision: 27 February 2020
CEDAW 84/2015

Escaping Forced Marriage case

Concerning Ms. V.B.S.K vs. Denmark violation of CEDAW articles 1, 2, 3, 12, 15, 16 and general comments No. 12 and 19. The author is a christian and in 2009 she met a Hindu man Mr. R. They wanted to have a relationship but they were both attacked by the author’s parents. The author’s parents […]

  • Decision: 2. August 2016
CEDAW 57/2013


Concerning K.S. vs Denmark for violation of article 17 of CEDAW. The author and her Danish husband, H., had a son, C. In 2007, author went to the US because her father was ill. Meanwhile, H. applied for sole custody of C. Thus the author came back to Denmark to fight for C. In court, […]

  • Decision: 19. July 2016
CEDAW 64/2013


Concerning M.C. (represented by counsel, Helge Nørrung) vs Denmark for violation of articles 1, 2, 3, 5 and 16 of CEDAW. The author is a Pakistani national belonging to a Christian minority of Anglo-Indians. She claimed that she had always been subjected to discrimination as a Christian woman, referring to verbal and physical assaults in […]

  • Decision: 9. November 2015
CEDAW 56/2013


Concerning O. V. J. vs Denmark for violation of articles 1, 2, 5 and 16 of CEDAW. The author married a Danish national. Shortly after, their daughter was born, he changed his attitude towards her and became abusive towards her and their daughter. He allegedly isolated the author and forbade her from visiting her family […]

  • Decision: 23. July 2015
CEDAW 50/2013

Homophobia case

Concerning A. S. vs. Denmark for violation of CEDAW. The following case has been decided. The Committee has decided that the communication is inadmissible. Entering Denmark on July 22 2012, the author applied for asylum. The author informed the Danish police, that she was a lesbian and she had to flee Uganda because some local […]

  • Decision: 26 February 2018
CEDAW 80/2015

Violencia y prostitución forzada

Concerning Y.W. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 1, 2, 3, 12 and 15 of CEDAW. The author, a Chinese national born in 1967, left China for more than 8 years ago due to her spouse who was lending a great amount of money from criminals due to his gambling issue. This resulted in the […]

  • Decision: 13. April 2015
CEDAW 51/2013


Concerning T.N. (represented by counsel, Tyge Trier) vs Denmark for violation of articles 17 of CEDAW. The author is a citizen of the United States who married a Danish national. The author alleges that her husband began to beat her and in 2010 the violence of her husband towards her and the children worsened. He […]

  • Decision: 3. November 2014
CEDAW 37/2012


Concerning Y.C. vs Denmark for violation of articles 1, 2, 3 and 5 of CEDAW. The author is a Chinese national born in 1974. She claims that, the father of her child left with their son and that the father hit her on six occasions during an argument when she wanted to see the child. […]

  • Decision: 24. October 2014
CEDAW 59/2013


Concerning M. K. D. A.-A vs Denmark for violation of articles  1, 2, 5 and 16 of CEDAW. In 2005, the author arrived in Denmark and married Mr. M. A., a Danish national. Shortly after their marriage, Mr. M. A. began to abuse the author emotionally and mentally and threatened her with divorce. They left […]

  • Decision: 18. October 2013
CEDAW 44/2012


Concerning Ms. M.N.N vs Denmark for violations of articles 1, 2 (c), 2 (d) and 3 of CEDAW. The author’s father left her mother when the latter was pregnant and the author lived with her mother in Natete until the age of 9 years. Since then the father kept finding the author’s whereabouts and tried […]

  • Decision: 15. August 2013
CEDAW 33/2011


Concerning M. S. v. Denmark for violation of articles 1, 2, 3, 5, 12 and 16 of CEDAW. The author claims that she has always been subjected to discrimination as a Christian in Pakistan and that, when she became a young woman, this discrimination turned into sexual harassment. When she was about 16 years old, […]

  • Decision: 15. August 2013
CEDAW 40/2012

Political refugee

Concerning M.E.N. vs Denmark for violation of articles 1, 2 (c), 2 (d) and 3 of CEDAW. The author is from Burundi born in 1988. She was an active member of FNL (Front National de Libération) and in her town a lot of other people was also members. In the wake of a conflict between […]

  • Decision: 26 July 2013
CCPR 35/2011