HUDOC, 15890/89

J.O.J., a Danish national, is a journalist and lives in Copenhagen. He was at the time of the events giving rise to the present case, and still is, employed by Danmarks Radio, assigned to its Sunday News Magazine. The latter is known as a serious television programme intended for a well-informed audience, dealing with a […]

HUDOC 15890/89

Use of pepper spray on prisoner

A.E.A., Danish national, was arrested and charged with breaching the Weapons and Explosives Act and detained on remand, first in a local prison and then in Enner Mark Prison. After arrival there, he was repeatedly placed in observation and security cells because of his aggressive and threatening behaviour. While being held in one such observation […]

  • Decision: 3 Oktober 2023
HUDOC 27753-19

Deportation of nine Sri Lankan nationals, linked with the Tamil Tigers

The authors are nine Sri Lankan nationals of Tamil ethnicity (T.N., S.N., S.S., P.K., N.S. and others) who have been refused asylum in Denmark and have been ordered to return to Sri Lanka. They are all of Tamil ethnicity with Tamil features and all had connections (directly or through their families) with the Liberation Tigers […]

  • Decision: 20 April 20211
HUDOC 20594-08

Were the euthanasia and assisted suicide a violation of the right to freedom of expression?

The author S.L., a Danish national, is a retired physician, and member of an association in favor of euthanasia, was convicted of two counts of assisted suicide, and one count of attempted assisted suicide under Article 240 of the Danish Penal Code. He was sentenced to 60 days’ imprisonment, suspended. Maintaining that he had merely […]

HUDOC 15136-20

TV company Roj TV A/S v.Denmrak in case of stopping broadcasting

The company Roj TV A/S is a Danish company and television channel, which was granted a license to broadcast by the Danish Radio and Television Board in 2003. It broadcasts programs by satellite, mainly in Kurdish, throughout Europe and the Middle East from 2004. In September 2010, Roj TV and its parent company were charged […]

HUDOC 24683-14

Refusal in adoption of the children, born by the surrogate mother.

The authors K.K., Danish citizen, is the mother of the other two coauthors C1 and C2, who are twins. In 2013 a surrogate mother in Ukraine gave birth to C1 and C2 following a surrogacy agreement with the intended parents of the children, K.K. and her husband, who was the biological father. The birth certificates […]

HUDOC 25212-21

The lost right to vote due to deprivation of legal capacity

The authors T.S. and M.R., Danish nationals, were deprived of their legal capacity. As a result, they lost the right to vote. They instituted proceedings against the Danish interior ministry, arguing that they had been denied the right to vote in the 2015 parliamentary elections. The High Court of Eastern Denmark dismissed the claims, finding […]

  • Decision: 2 Februar 2021
HUDOC 27338-18

Deportation of Tunisian-Danish citizen with a permanent ban on return to Denmark

The author A.J., born in Denmark to a Danish mother and a Tunisian father and has dual nationality. A.J. was arrested in 2016 shortly after the Danish intelligence services received a list from Interpol of individuals, including A.J., believed to have been recruited by the terrorist organization the “Islamic State”. A.J. was subsequently convicted of […]

HUDOC 27801-19

An expulsion and life-long ban of a Pakistani national from Denmark

F.R.A.v. Denmark on a violation of article 8 of the ECHR. In 2013, the author – F.R.A. was convicted of aggravated attempted robbery, murder and arson and sentenced to 16 years’ imprisonment and expulsion from Denmark. F.R.A. joined her father in Denmark as an infant and made her life in Denmark. She attended school and […]

HUDOC 33809-15

S.O., Somali national, v. Denmark in a violation of articles 3 and 8 of the Convention

The author S.O. born in Somalia, lived in Kenya from 1991 to 1995. In 1994 the author’s father and a sister were granted asylum in Denmark. In 1995 the author, who at the relevant time was seven years old, her mother and three siblings joined family in Denmark. From 1995 until 2002, the author attended […]

HUDOC 38058-09

A.S., a Turkish national, v.Denmark in a violation of Articles 3 and 8 of the Convention

The author A.S. is a Turkish national who had been resident in Denmark for most of his life. After being convicted of aggravated assault committed with other people, which had led to the victim’s death, the applicant was in 2008 placed in the secure unit of a residential institution for the severely mentally impaired for […]

HUDOC 57467-15

Restraint bed and compensation form the authorities

A.L.A., v. Denmark in the ECHR in a violation of art. 3 (prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment) of the European Convention on Human Rights. The author A.L.A, Danish national, born in 1985. He suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and was sentenced in 2005 to committal to a psychiatric hospital following five incidents of violence against […]

HUDOC 45439-18

Dane who travelled to restricted area in Syrian Civil War

The author T.M.J., Danish national, stated during a radio interview that he had been on the front line in the village of Tal Saman/Tal Elsamen in the al-Raqqa District in early January 2017 in the Syrian Civil War. The police initiated an investigation. T.M.J. was charged with a breach of the Penal Code and with […]

HUDOC 60785-19

Deportation because of the criminal activity

The authors – M.M.J., Iraqi national, and S.K., Pakistani national, had had a criminal record for many years before the events in question. Convictions were for, among other things, violent, drugs, and driving offences, and offences while in prison. In 2016, M.M.J. was charged in connection with violent offences and needed to be expelled from […]

HUDOC 26957-19

Danish authorities’ temporary refusal to grant the applicant’s wife a residence permit in Denmark based on family reunification

The author M.A. against Denmark in a violation of article 8 and 14 of the Convention. The author is a Syrian national, who fled Syria in 2015 and entered Denmark in 2015, requested asylum. In his request for asylum, he submitted that being a doctor, he was at risk of being subjected to ill treatment […]

HUDOC 6697-18

Compensation for the death caused by the Prone Position with Leg-lock

The author N.K. v. Denmark complains for using of a prone position with leg-lock towards E.S., N.K.’s son, in Kolding prison, in the result of which E.S. died. The case has been closed and reopened several times over eight years. First, the family was denied an appointed lawyer, when the court in Kolding found that […]

HUDOC 51781-22

Deported Jordanian citizen with family ties in Denmark

A.H.A. v. Denmark in a violation of the article 8 of the ECHR. A.H.A. is a Jordanian national who entered Denmark when he was 20 years old and was granted residence after marrying a stateless Palestinian woman with Danish nationality. They had three children together. After divorcing, A.H.A. married an Iraqi woman of Kurdish origin. […]

  • Decision: 23 Januar 2019
HUDOC 25593-14

Achieving Danish citizenship

The applicant, now a Danish citizen, was born in 1944 in Iran, where he was imprisoned in 1984 and subjected to torture. Three years later, he escaped to Turkey with his wife and two children, where he was granted refugee status. In 1990, he and his family entered Denmark and obtained a permanent residence permit. […]

  • Decision: 19. January 2017
HUDOC 55607/09

Denial of Danish citizenship without reason

The applicant was born in Afghanistan. He came to Denmark as an unaccompanied minor at the age of 15, as he had lost contact with his family. The applicant has learnt danish, graduated high school, and is studying to become a civil engineer. The applicant applied for naturalisation in 2007, but was refused as he […]

  • Decision: 13. October 2016
HUDOC 64372/11

Biao Case

For the first time, The European Court of Human Rights ruled that Denmark has discriminated. After a case that has lasted 13 years, HUDOC decided for the first time, that Denmark’s rules for family reunification discriminate against citizens not born in Denmark. Biao came to Denmark in 1993, but could not live in Denmark with […]

  • Decision: 24. May 2016
HUDOC 38590/10