Exhibition by Dan Park

Concerning Mr. M.J. vs Denmark for violation of articles 4 and 6 of CERD. In the year 2014, the Documentation and Advisory Centre on Racial Discrimination (DACoRD) filed a complaint on behalf of the author against Dan Park and others. The complaint was regarding an exhibition of the controversial Swedish artist held on October 23, […]

  • Decision: 1 December 2022
CERD 62/2018


Concerning S.A. Vs. Denmark in violation of article 2 (1) (c), 5 and 6 of CERD. S.A., originally from Bosnia and Herzegovina, acquired Danish citizenship in 2002 and currently resides in Denmark. In July 2009, he moved to Aalborg. The author experienced racial discrimination when he applied for social assistance and was denied income support […]

  • Decision: 13 December 2018
CERD 58/2016

Somalis accused of attack

Concerning Mr. A.F.J vs Denmark for violation of article 2, paragraph 1 (d), article 4 and article 6 of CERD. On 18 February 2007, the Danish newspaper Søndagsavisen published an interview with Ms. Pia Merete Kjærsgaard, a member of parliament and the former leader of the Danish People’s Party. In the interview she addresses an […]

  • Decision: 21. August 2009
CERD 41/2008


Concerning M.D and Y.S. vs Denmark for violation of article 2, 3, 4 and 6 of CERD. The authors, M.D and Y.S., are iraqi citizens with refugee status in Denmark. M.D. has eight children, including Y.S. In 2004, they were living together in a house in Soroe, Denmark. In June 2004, a large group of […]

  • Decision: 2. April 2012
CERD 46/2009


The petitioner is Ms. S.M.A., a national of Somalia, who is currently residing in Denmark. The radio broadcasted a discussion between Ms. Pia Kjærsgaard, Member of the Parliament and former leader of the Danish People’s Party, and Mr. Søren Espersen, another member of the Parliament for the Danish People’s Party. The petitioner claims that the […]

  • Decision: 21. September 2010
CERD 43/2008


The petitioners are Nicolai Hermansen, Signe Edrich and Jonna Vilstrup, all Danish citizens, born in Denmark. The Danish Broadcasting Network DR aired the program “Kontant” on 3 January 2006. With a hidden camera, a journalist pretended he wanted to buy a flight ticket from Thai Travel in Copenhagen. He found that it was possible to […]

  • Decision: 25. August 2010
CERD 44/2009

“General references to Muslims”

Concerning A.W.R.A.P. (represented by counsel, the Documentation and Advisory Centre on Racial Discrimination) vs Denmark for violation of articles 2, 4 and 6 of CERD. In 1997, the Danish Parliament adopted a bill abolishing the right of parents to corporally punish their children. The Danish Peoples Party voted against the bill.  In 2005, the Government […]

  • Decision: 8. August 2007
CERD 37/2006

“race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin”

Concerning P. S. N. (represented by counsel, the Documentation and Advisory Centre on Racial Discrimination) vs Denmark for violation of articles 2, 4 and 6 of CERD. Ms. Louise Frevert, a Member of Parliament for the Danish People’s Party, published statements against immigration and Muslims on her website. She also published similar statements in a […]

  • Decision: 8. August 2007
CERD 36/2006


Concerning M. E vs Denmark for violation of articles 2, 5 and 6. The petitioner was a student at Copenhagen Technical School at the time of the events. Students were offered the possibility of doing traineeships in private companies. On 8 September 2003, the petitioner accidentally saw a note in a teacher’s hands, where the […]

  • Decision: 8. August 2007
CERD 40/2007


Concerning Mr. M.H.G vs Denmark for violation of article 2, paragraph 1 (d), 4 and 6 of CERD. On 2 January 2003, the daily newspaper Kristeligt Dagblad published a letter to the editor by Ms. Pia Kjærsgaard, a member of the Danish Parliament and former leader of the Danish People’s Party. The petitioner considered that […]

  • Decision: 15. March 2006
CERD 34/2004

“was not based on the customer’s race, ethnic origin or the like”

Concerning Mr. E. S. (represented by the Documentation and Advisory Centre on Racial Discrimination) vs Denmark for violation of articles 2, 5 and 6 of CERD. The petitioner contacted Fair Insurance A/S to purchase insurance covering loss of and damage to his car, as well as third party liability insurance. He was told that they […]

  • Decision: 10. March 2005
CERD 32/2003

“General reference to foreigners”

Concerning Mr. K. Q. (represented by the Documentation and Advisory Centre on Racial Discrimination) vs Denmark for violation of articles 2, 4 and 6 of CERD. Ms. Pia Andersson, a member of the executive board of the Progressive Party, faxed to the media two letters stating inter alia: “No to more Mohammedan rapes! … Cultural […]

  • Decision: 10. March 2004
CERD 33/2003

“Danish foreman” case

Concerning The Documentation and Advisory Centre on Racial Discrimination vs Denmark for violation of articles 2, 4, 5 and 6 of CERD. A private company, “Torben Jensen A/S”, published a job advertisement in the Danish newspaper “Jyllands Posten”. The advertisement read as follows: “The construction company BAC SIA seeks Danish foreman who, in cooperation with […]

  • Decision: 28. August 2003
CERD 28/2003

“No to more Mohammedan rapes!”

Concerning K. Q. (represented by Eddie Khawaja) vs Denmark for violation of articles 2, 4 and 6 of CERD. The petitioner is Kamal Quereshi is a Danish national and a member of the Danish Parliament for the Socialist People’s Party. Pia Andersen, a member of the Executive Board of the Progressive Party, faxed a party […]

  • Decision: 26. August 2003
CERD 27/2002

“Immigrant pig” case

Concerning A.N.S (represented by counsel) vs Denmark for violation of articles 2 and 6 of CERD. The petitioner was working on a construction site in a public housing area in Randers, Denmark, for the company “Assentoft Painters and Decorators” owned by Jesper Christensen. When the petitioner approached Mr. Christensen to claim overdue payments, their conversation […]

  • Decision: 16. April 2003
CERD 25/2002

POEM and FASM case

Concerning  the Umbrella Organization for the Ethnic Minorities (POEM) and the Association of Muslim Students (FASM), represented by counsel, vs Denmark for violation of articles 2, 4 and 6 of CERD. Pia Kjærsgaard, the leader of the Danish People’s Party and Member of Parliament made the following statement in her weekly newsletter- “the multiculturalization of […]

  • Decision: 15. April 2003
CERD 22/2002

Etcetera case

Concerning Ms. M. B. (represented by counsel) vs Denmark for violation of articles 2 and 6 of CERD. The petitioner and her brother, a Danish citizen of Brazilian origin and a friend, a black Brazilian, were waiting to enter the restaurant discotheque “Etcetera”. The doorman, Martin Andersen, told them, that he could not let them […]

  • Decision: 15. March 2002
CERD 20/2000

Danish housing company case

Concerning S.S.M, an Iraqi citizen currently residing in Denmark [represented by counsel] vs Denmark for violation of article 6 of CERD. The petitioner was registered as an applicant for renting an apartment with the Danish housing company, DAB. The DAB informed him that an apartment was available and asked him whether he would be interested […]

  • Decision: 15. August 2001
CERD 19/2000


Concerning B.J., a Danish engineer of Iranian origin (represented by legal counsel) vs Denmark for violation of articles 2 and 5 of CERD. The author went to a discotheque in Odense with his brother and a group of friends. Two of them were of Danish origin and four were not. The doorman of the discotheque, […]

  • Decision: 8. May 2000
CERD 17/1999


Concerning K. A., a Danish citizen of Pakistani origin, (represented by legal counsel) vs Denmark for violation of article 14 of CERD. On 16 June 1998 family members and friends had come to meet pupils after the exams at the Avedore Gymnasium, Hvidovre, as is the usual practice in Danish high schools. The author and […]

  • Decision: 8. May 2000
CERD 16/1999


Concerning Z.B.A.H, a Tunisian citizen residing in Denmark (represented by counsel) vs Denmark for violation of articles 2 and 6 of CERD. On 17 May 1996 the author visited the shop “Scandinavian Car Styling” to purchase an alarm set for his car. When he inquired about procedures for obtaining a loan he was informed that […]

  • Decision: 6. April 1999
CERD 10/1997