Asylum for Somali children

The single mother (H.M.) is from Somalia and the applicants, the son (S) and the daughter (Sa) were born in Denmark in 2020 and in 2018 accordingly, are seeking asylum in Denmark. H.M. appealed for the asylum in Denmark for (S) and for (Sa), who fear for their life in their home country Somalia. The […]

  • Decision: 04 June 2024
CRC 169/2021

العنف الأسري في الأسرة الهندية

H.K., a national of India, is submitting the communication on behalf of her daughter, S.K., vs Denmark for denying by Denmark of their applications for asylum. H.K. claims that her daughter’s rights under articles 3 and 22 of the Convention would be violated if she and her daughter were to be deported to India. H.K. […]

  • Decision: 28 October 2022
CRC 99/2019

Asylum for Somali Children

The single mother (H.M.) is from Somalia and the applicants, the son (S) and the daughter (Sa) were born in Denmark in 2020 and in 2018 accordingly, are seeking asylum in Denmark. H.M. appealed for the asylum in Denmark for (S) and for (Sa), who fear for their life in their home country Somalia. The […]

CRC 169/2021

Separation of children from their father due to his deportation to Nigeria

O.M., a national of Nigeria, v. Denmark on behalf of “stepson”, C.C.O.U., a national of Nigeria, and two children, C.C.A.M. and A.C.C., nationals of Nigeria born in Denmark, for violation of articles 3, 7, 9 and 10 of the Convention. In 2015, O.M. entered Denmark and applied for asylum. In 2016, the asylum procedure was […]

  • Decision: 16 Oktober 2023
CRC 145/2021

لقد تم ختان الفتاة دون علم ذويها

Concerning S.H.K. vs Denmark for violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. On the 29 January 2021 the Danish Refugee Board notified the Somali citizen S.H.K., born 15 June 2019, a refusal of a residence permit. The applicant’s parents, as well as four siblings, are residing in Denmark. The applicant’s parents stated […]

  • Decision: 8 August 2023
CRC 140/2021

Daughter in risk of female genital mutilation

Concerning R.H.M. and her minor daughter Y.A.M. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 3 and 19 of CRC. The mother is from Somalia and the applicant, the daughter, is born in Denmark in 2016. The daughter is in risk of being deported to Somalia, where she would allegedly risk being forcefully subjected to female genital […]

  • Decision: 4 February 2021
CRC 83/2019
CRC 96/2019

Circumcision case

Concerning A.A.S. vs. Denmark for violation of CRC. The author was denied asylum by the Immigration Service and the Refugee Appels Board upheld the decision. Thus, it was submitted to the Committee on Rights of the Child on behalf of A.A.S. But while it was pending at the Committee, A.A.S was granted Refugee Status by […]

  • Decision: 16 July 2020
CRC 85/2019

Asylum for Somali Children

The single mother (H.M.) is from Somalia and the applicants, the son (S) and the daughter (Sa) were born in Denmark in 2020 and in 2018 accordingly, are seeking asylum in Denmark.   H.M. appealed for the asylum in Denmark for (S) and for (Sa), who fear for their life in their home country Somalia. […]

CRC 169/2021

Illegal children born outside marriage

Concerning X.C. and L.G. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8 of CRC. The authors, born 2014, and 2015, are Chinese nationals, both born in Denmark. The authors’ mother W.M.C. entered Denmark in 2012. The mother sought asylum in Denmark on the grounds that she feared being forced to have […]

  • Decision: 28 September 2020
CRC 31/2017

Macedonian mother and child

Concerning L.I. and her child B.I. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 2, 3, 6, 7 and 8 of the Convention of the Child. The author, L.I., is a national of North Macedonia born in 1989. The author, at the time pregnant with her first child, entered Denmark to reunite with her Macedonian husband residing […]

  • Decision: 28 September 2020
CRC 49/2018

Family reunification success

Concerning  A.H.A. et al. vs Denmark for violation of articles 3, 7, 9, 10 and 12 of CRC.  Together with their parents, the authors fled Syria in 2015 and travelled to Denmark. The four youngest authors flew with their mother and grandmother, via Turkey and Greece. The other two authors travelled directly to Denmark with their […]

  • Decision: 20 August 2018
CRC 52/2018

Blood feud case 2

Concerning Z.H. and A.H. and their children K.H., M.H. and E.H. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 3, 6, 19, 24 27 and 28 of CRC. The family left Albania owing to its involvement in a blood feud. The authors note that blood feuds often continue until all male members of a family involved in […]

  • Decision: 18 September 2019
CRC 32/2017

Blood feud case

Concerning E.P. and F.P and their children A.P. and K.P. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 2, 3, 6 and 28 of CRC. The family claimed asylum on the grounds of a blood feud in Albania that threatened their lives. They claim that the children would run a risk to their lives, given that the […]

  • Decision: 25 September 2019
CRC 33/2017

Parents converted case

Concerning J.Y. and Z.Y. and their son A.Y., vs. Denmark for violation of articles 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 19 of CRC. The authors are Afghan nationals and fled to Denmark. The authors’ grounds for asylum is based on their conversion from Islam to Christianity, and the fact that the female author refused […]

  • Decision: 31 May 2018
CRC 7/2016

Iranian family sent back and forth between Denmark and Italy

The following case is about the deportation of an Iranian refugee family with four children, aged 1-11, to Italy. The authors arrived in Italy in October 2012. Immediately after they were granted asylum, they were evicted from their temporary shelter and forced to live on the streets. They left for Denmark two weeks later. In […]

  • Decision: 1 November 2019
CRC 43/2018

Child Risks Separation from Mother if Deported

Concerning A.S. vs. Denmark for violation of article 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 of CRC. The author, A.S., is a Pakistani national born in 2008. The author and his mother are subjected to a deportation order from Denmark to Pakistan. In May 2011, the author and his parents entered Denmark and granted asylum […]

  • Decision: 26 September 2019
CRC 36/2017

Female genital mutilation case at CRC

The applicant entered Denmark in 2014 with her husband, coming from the Puntland State of Somalia, and applied for asylum. In 2015, when the applicant was 6 months pregnant, her application for asylum was rejected by the Danish Immigration Service. The author appealed this decision to the Danish Refugee Appeals Board, on the basis that […]

  • Decision: 28. January 2018
CRC 3/2016