An expulsion and life-long ban of a Pakistani national from Denmark

F.R.A.v. Denmark on a violation of article 8 of the ECHR. In 2013, the author – F.R.A. was convicted of aggravated attempted robbery, murder and arson and sentenced to 16 years’ imprisonment and expulsion from Denmark. F.R.A. joined her father in Denmark as an infant and made her life in Denmark. She attended school and […]

HUDOC 33809-15

Deportation because of the criminal activity

The authors – M.M.J., Iraqi national, and S.K., Pakistani national, had had a criminal record for many years before the events in question. Convictions were for, among other things, violent, drugs, and driving offences, and offences while in prison. In 2016, M.M.J. was charged in connection with violent offences and needed to be expelled from […]

HUDOC 26957-19

Holy Christ Ministry case

Holy Christ Ministry case Concerning B.R. and M.G., wife and husband, both nationals of Pakistan, are submitting the communication on their own behalf and on behalf of their three minor children, vs Denmark for violation of Articles 6, 7 and 13 of CCPR. The authors are Christians by faith. M.G. has been politically active and […]

  • Decision: 5 September 2023
Human Rights
CCPR 2342/2014

Deportation to Pakistan

The author A.A. v. Denmark in a violation of articles 6,7 of CCPR Convention and articles 18, 33 of the Refugee Convention. In 2022, the Danish Immigration Service refused Pakistani citizen A.A. in an asylum status. This decision was uphold by the Danish Refugee Board. The author applied for asylum on grounds of risk of […]

Human Rights
CCPR 4255/2022

Barn risikerer seperation fra mor hvis deporteret

Concerning A.S. vs. Denmark for violation of article 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 of CRC. The author, A.S., is a Pakistani national born in 2008. The author and his mother are subjected to a deportation order from Denmark to Pakistan. In May 2011, the author and his parents entered Denmark and granted asylum […]

  • Decision: 26 September 2019
CRC 36/2017

Kvindeforfølgelse sag

This case is an important decision from CEDAW about asylum for women. It is the very first case in Denmark where it is decided that Denmark would violate the CEDAW if the author was deported. Concerning A. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 1, 2 (c) and (d), 3, 12, 15 and 16 of the […]

  • Decision: 8 December 2015
CEDAW 53/2013

Jesus Hope of Life NGO case

The author is from Pakistan and Christian by birth. He was a member of Jesus Hope of Life, an NGO. His task was to share the word of the Bible to people of other religions. During an event, he met a Muslim Mullah who strongly disapproved the author’s christian believes. Hereafter, the author received a […]

  • Decision: 25. August 2017
CAT 625/2014

Harassment in Pakistan for the Christian background as an argument for seeking asylum

K.S.M. and T.M. v. Denmark in violation of art. 2, 6, 7, 13, 26 of CCPR Convention. The authors K.S.M. and T.M. are members of the Christian minority in Pakistan. They fear being killed or tortured on return to Pakistan since they are accused of violation of the Islamic rules in their country. K.S.M. was […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2459/2014

Peace Delegation India-Pakistan case

Concerning A.M.M. (represented by counsel, Arbab Perveez, of Adil Advokate) vs Denmark for violation of articles 6, 7, 14 and 19 of CCPR. The author’s family is affiliated with the Pakistan Peoples Party. In 2005, the author went to India as part of a peace delegation. When the author came back, the intelligence service kept […]

  • Decision: 5. September 2016
Human Rights
CCPR 2415/2014

Deportation of Pakistani asylum seeker 

A.B. v. Denmark on violation of articles 6, 7 and 13 of CCPR by deporting the author as he fears a risk to his life and persecution in Pakistan. The author is a Christian, owned an internet café in Pakistan until 2009. The author received threatening letters from the local Quran school, stating that the […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2748/2016

Deportation to Pakistan

The authors A and B v.Denmark in violation articles 6,7,18 of the Covenant. They are national of Pakistan and fled Pakistan in 2012 because of their faith as Ahmadi Muslims, who face various forms of discrimination. They feared the Muslim fundamentalist groups, which conduct “targeted killings”. The authors entered Denmark on a family visit visa, […]

  • Decision: 8. August 2016
Human Rights
CCPR 2291/2013

Pakistansk konversion fra islam til kristendommen

Concerning Mr. R vs. Denmark violation of CCPR article 6 and 7. The applicant is the son of a Pakistani diplomat. While his father is Muslim, his mother is Christian, and all 3 children are now Christian. This is a fact that their father cannot accept, and when he discovered the author’s interest in Christianity […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2440/2014

Preaching Christianity to Muslims

Concerning R.G. and her adult son, I.G. (represented by counsel, Helge Nørrung) vs Denmark for violation of articles 6, 7 and 18 of CCPR. The authors were subjected to harassment in Pakistan because of their Christian background. I.G. was accused of preaching Christianity to Muslims and beaten by older Muslim schoolmates. Further, the whole family […]

  • Decision: 23. December 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2351/2014

Christian minority of Anglo-Indians

Concerning M.C. (represented by counsel, Helge Nørrung) vs Denmark for violation of articles 1, 2, 3, 5 and 16 of CEDAW. The author is a Pakistani national belonging to a Christian minority of Anglo-Indians. She claimed that she had always been subjected to discrimination as a Christian woman, referring to verbal and physical assaults in […]

  • Decision: 9. November 2015
CEDAW 56/2013

Sexual harassment case

Concerning M. S. v. Denmark for violation of articles 1, 2, 3, 5, 12 and 16 of CEDAW. The author claims that she has always been subjected to discrimination as a Christian in Pakistan and that, when she became a young woman, this discrimination turned into sexual harassment. When she was about 16 years old, […]

  • Decision: 15. August 2013
CEDAW 40/2012

Non-Danish ethnicities ineligible for traineeships in companies

Concerning M. E vs Denmark for violation of articles 2, 5 and 6. The petitioner was a student at Copenhagen Technical School at the time of the events. Students were offered the possibility of doing traineeships in private companies. On 8 September 2003, the petitioner accidentally saw a note in a teacher’s hands, where the […]

  • Decision: 8. August 2007
CERD 40/2007

“Bunch of monkeys” case

Concerning K. A., a Danish citizen of Pakistani origin, (represented by legal counsel) vs Denmark for violation of article 14 of CERD. On 16 June 1998 family members and friends had come to meet pupils after the exams at the Avedore Gymnasium, Hvidovre, as is the usual practice in Danish high schools. The author and […]

  • Decision: 8. May 2000
CERD 16/1999

Author must leave Denmark after serving his sentence

Concerning A.M vs Denmark for violation of article 5 of CCPR. The author is a Pakistani citizen residing in Denmark since 1970. In 1989, the author was involved in a violent fight in Odense, with several other men from Pakistan, Morocco and Algeria. At least four people were severely injured and one of them died. […]

  • Decision: 23. July 1982
Human Rights
CCPR 121/1982