قضية الرفض الضميري

Concerning X vs. Denmark for violation of articles 7, 14 and 18 of CCPR. The author, X, is an Eritrean national, but spent his entire life outside Eritrea. He is a member of a Christian religious minority, who refuses to perform military performance. He will therefore be regarded as an opponent of the regime in […]

  • Decision: 26 March 2014
Human Rights
CCPR 2007/2010

أم عازبة لديها طفل صغير تواجه وضعا غير إنساني

Regarding B.A.A., and her minor son, vs. Denmark in violation of article 7 of CCPR. The author fled Eritrea when she refused to join the army and arrived in Italy in 2008 and granted temporary residence permit. She went to Milan, but struggled finding job or housing, and was forced to live in an abandoned […]

  • Decision: 13 July 2018
Human Rights
CCPR 2575/2015

قضية الخدمة العسكرية

Concerning Ms.F.K vs Denmark for violation of article 2, 7, 14 and 26 of CCPR. The author is a citizen of Eritrea. She and her family fled in 1985 to Sudan. She married a Sudanese man in 1996, but was expelled from the family for doing this. Unfortunately her husband died, so she married a […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2074/2011

Eritrean Woman Torture Case

Concerning S.A. vs. Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT and article 7 of CCPR. When the author applied for asylum in Denmark, she expressed her fear for the return to Ethiopia as she has gone through torture. If returned she would be kidnapped and tortured by the Ethiopian authorities or forced to perform […]

CAT 460/2011

Mistreated in military case

This case concerns an Eritrean man who served in the Eritrean military. In Eritrea the military service is by law set to be 1 ½ years, however after this period he was forced to stay in the army for another 10 years. The applicant attempted to desert, but was arrested and accused of working against […]

  • Decision: 24. June 2014
CAT 502/2012

The Pental Costa movement case

Concerning Ms. F.G vs Denmark for violation of articles 2,7,9,10,18 and 27 of CCPR. The author is a citizen of Eritrea and is a member of a religious minority- the Pental Costa movement- a group of christians who refuse to perform military service. In Eritrea her religious conviction is prohibited by the state. The author […]

Human Rights
CCPR 2023/2011