Trafficking victim

Concerning E.E vs Denmark for violation of CCPR. The author E.E. was taken by her cousin against her and her mother’s will to Serbia to marry a Serbian national. Later the author discovered that her husband’s family had paid 7000 euro for her. During her staying in Serbia, she was physically abused by her husband, […]

  • Decision: 16 March 2023
Human Rights
CCPR 2858/2016

Blood feud case 2

Concerning Z.H. and A.H. and their children K.H., M.H. and E.H. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 3, 6, 19, 24 27 and 28 of CRC. The family left Albania owing to its involvement in a blood feud. The authors note that blood feuds often continue until all male members of a family involved in […]

  • Decision: 18 September 2019
CRC 32/2017

Blood feud case

Concerning E.P. and F.P and their children A.P. and K.P. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 2, 3, 6 and 28 of CRC. The family claimed asylum on the grounds of a blood feud in Albania that threatened their lives. They claim that the children would run a risk to their lives, given that the […]

  • Decision: 25 September 2019
CRC 33/2017


Concerning E.P. and F.P. (represented by Helge Nørrung) vs Denmark for violation of article 7 of CCPR. The authors’ family engaged in a land dispute with the Shtjefni family in Albania. This resulted in the author’s family being accused of killing a member of the Shtjefni family and of being threatened. Consequently, F.P. moved with […]

  • Decision: 10. December 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2344/2014