Converted to Christianity Afghan citizen is under deportation 

The author Z.H. belongs to the minority group of Shia Muslims in Afghanistan and is in risk of persecution because of his ethnical and religious background. During staying in Denmark the author converted to Christianity, so there is a need in protection Sur place. By converting the author supremely violated Sharia law, since, being apostate is punishable by death.

The Danish Refugee Council found that the conversion was not real and denied in providing asylum status to the author and denied hearing of witness.

In 2014 the author presented a communication to the CCPR v.Denmark in violation articles 6,7,14 of the Convention.

In 2017 at its meeting CCPR Committee decided to discontinue the consideration of communication as the author and the State party had reached an agreement on the substantive issue raised in the communication and the author was no longer at risk of deportation.

3. July 2023

CCPR 2352/2014
  • Decision: 28 September 2016
  • Comm: Human Rights