A.S., гражданин Турции, против Дании о нарушении статей 3 и 8 Конвенции.

The author A.S. is a Turkish national who had been resident in Denmark for most of his life. After being convicted of aggravated assault committed with other people, which had led to the victim’s death, the applicant was in 2008 placed in the secure unit of a residential institution for the severely mentally impaired for […]

HUDOC 57467-15

Временные меры по делу о пытках

The author is from Turkey. As an asylum motive, he explained that he feared being sentenced to a longer prison term because he had been a member of a number of parties, including the PKK and KCK from 2006 to 2010. Furthermore, the applicant feared being sentenced a long prison sentence because he was a […]

  • Decision: 25 Januar 2021
CAT 743/2016

Этнические и политические преследования курда в Турции

Concerning F. K. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 3 and 12 of CAT. The Committee Against Torture found that Denmark had violated CAT articles 3, 12 and 16, with regard to forcibly returning the complainant to Turkey, and also inhumane treatment during his detention in a Danish prison camp for asylum seekers. The author […]

  • Decision: 22. December 2015
CAT 580/2014

Партия Освобождения Курдистана

Concerning N.A vs Denmark for violation of articles 3 of CAT.   Since 1982, the applicant has been called yearly to perform military service, but he has not responded to the calls. He was a member of the Kurdistan Liberation Party (PRK). In 1982, a number of party members were arrested and provided the police […]

  • Decision: 20. June 2014
CAT 466/2011