Domestic abuse for 11 years

Concerning K.I.A. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 1 and 2 (d), read in conjunction with articles 2 (e) and (f) of CEDAW. The author travelled to Denmark in 2013 with her 5 children and applied for asylum. The author is a Jordanian of Palestinian origin. She was forced to marry a 47-year-old man whom […]

  • Decision: 17 December 2019
CEDAW 82/2015

Une femme craint que son mari ne rage si elle était forcée de revenir

Concerning Ms. R.S.A.A. vs Denmark for violation of articles 1 and 2 (d), read in conjunction with article 2 (c) and (f), and article 15 (4) of CEDAW. The applicant is a stateless Palestinian raised in a refugee camp near Damascus. She has held a Jordanian passport since her marriage to a Jordanian national and […]

  • Decision: 15 July 2019
CEDAW 86/2015