Condemned by political party and accused of terror attack

Concerning S. vs Denmark for violation of articles 1, 7 and 9 of CCPR. The author is a member of the Jamaat-e-Islami, a political party that opposes the Government of Bangladesh. Since 2007, he has been regarded as a non-cooperative member of the party, who should be punished. He stopped his political activities when the […]

  • Decision: 26 March 2018
Human Rights
CCPR 2642/2015


Concerning Mr. M.K.H (represented by Helle Holm Thomsen) vs Denmark for violation of article 7 of CCPR. The author is from Bengal and was involved in homosexual activities with a childhood friend. When the author and his partner were caught, they were beaten and tortured. They were expelled from their families and their village and […]

  • Decision: 12. July 2016
Human Rights
CCPR 2462/2014