Революция в Египте

Concerning H.E.A.K. vs. Denmark for violation of articles 1, 2, 7, 9 and 19 of the CCPR. The author is an Egyptian national, and a well-known member and founder of the organization Ultras Ahlawy club. His asylum request was rejected by the Danish authorities in 2013. Ultras Ahlawy participated actively in all major occasions during […]

  • Decision: 23 July 2015
Human Rights
CCPR 2343/2014

Против военной диктатуры

Concerning A.A vs Denmark for violation of articles 6 and 7 of CCPR. The author is a egyptian national and is against military dictatorship and refuses to perform military service. By the end of 2008 he received the first draft letter from the Army and he went into hiding. Exemption from military service is not […]

  • Decision: 22 March 2018
Human Rights
CCPR 2595/2015