Knowledge of drug trafficking case

Last updated on November 3rd, 2023 at 09:14 am

Concerning Mr.B.A.G vs Denmark for violation of articles 6 and/or 7 and 13 of CCPR.

The author is an economist and educated at the Balkh University in Mazar-e-Sharif. Upon completing his studies, he found employment as an accounting manager in a company. He fled to Denmark because he had found that the company which employed him was involved in drug trafficking. The management of the company had become aware of the author’s knowledge, whereupon the author had been detained in an unknown house for two or three days until he managed to escape. During his detention, he had been punched and kicked and subject to a lot of violence.
The Danish Immigration service rejected the author’s application for asylum. The Refugee Board upheld that decision on 27 august 2012 as they found that the author had replied evasively to questions about his work. Accordingly, the Refugee Appeals Board found that the author was not persecuted at his departure, and also found that the author would not be at an individual risk of persecution or at a real risk of inhuman treatment or other mistreatment in case of a return to his country of origin.

Just after a complaint was filed to CCPR, the national authorities reopened the case of Mr.B.A.G and Mr.B.A.G was granted by the residence permit. So, the CCPR is expected to take a decision on discontinuance on this case.

3. November 2023

CCPR 2275/2013
Comm: Human Rights