Last updated on July 5th, 2023 at 07:46 am
A.B. v. Denmark on violation of articles 6, 7 and 13 of CCPR by deporting the author as he fears a risk to his life and persecution in Pakistan.
The author is a Christian, owned an internet café in Pakistan until 2009. The author received threatening letters from the local Quran school, stating that the internet café to be against Sharia and therefore illegal. In 2009, the bomb exploded in the internet café and the author decided to flee from Pakistan and applied for an asylum in Denmark. In 2016, the Refugee Board has rejected his application because the events presented by the author reflected the general difficult conditions for Christians in Pakistan. The Refugee Board found that the author was not personally targeted by shooting as he didn’t appear to have a special or high profile in the Christian congregation, and that the author had never been visited in person in connection to his Christian activities, nor been threatened or assaulted except for some sms threats. The bombing of internet café is considered as the attack against the activities of the café and took place when nobody was there, in the night.
CCPR concluded that the author has failed to sufficiently substantiate his claims for purpose of admissibility, thus the communication is inadmissible.
5. July 2023