Deportation of Zimbabwe citizen

T.M.D.M. v. Denmark in a violation 2,3,12 of the Convention

The author arrived legally to Denmark in 2017. When the visa expired, the author overstayed. In 2019 she was stopped by police and consequently the author requested the refugee status. The author was taken into custody for murders, rapists and other forms of serious crimes, including both men and women.

Arguments T.M.D.M. against the decision on deportation by the Danish Refugees Appeal Board:

• fear gender specific persecution on return to the country of origin (forced marriage, raping);

• fear persecution from the ruling political party or authorities because member of T.M.D.M.’s family was involved in the opposition party; as a female is in risk of persecution due to her father’s political activities.

In May 2024, the Committee declared the author’s non refoulement claims inadmissible under article 4, paragraph 2c) of the Optional Protocol. Therefore, the Committee decided that communication is inadmissible under article 4 (1) and (2) (c) of the Optional Protocol.

21. June 2024

CEDAW 161/2020
  • Decision: 27 May 2024
  • Comm: Gender