Deportation of Kurdish-Syrian political activist

Last updated on June 29th, 2023 at 10:40 am

The author N.A.K., citizen of Syria, v. Denmark in violation of article 3 and article 13 of the Convention against Torture. As a Kurd from Syria, the author subjected to torture by the Syrian authorities for being active in demonstrations in Aleppo in 2004. The author was a member of Kurdish party Yeketi.

The Danish Refugee Board took a decision to refuse in asylum, as no torture will take place after deportation to Syria.

The communication has been presented to CAT and the author was not expelled, while his complaint was under consideration by CAT.

The Danish Immigration Service has set up to investigate the situation for Kurds in Syria and sent a special investigation mission to Syria, the findings of which were published in the report. On the basis of the most recent background information concerning Syria, the Refugee Appeal Board decided in 2010 to reopen the case.

After revision of the case, N.A.K. was granted Refugee Convention Status in Denmark in 2009. Considering the friendly settlement, CAT discontinued the case.

29. June 2023

CAT 409/2009
Comm: Torture