
Concerning K.S. vs Denmark for violation of article 17 of CEDAW. The author and her Danish husband, H., had a son, C. In 2007, author went to the US because her father was ill. Meanwhile, H. applied for sole custody of C. Thus the author came back to Denmark to fight for C. In court, […]

  • Decision: 19. July 2016
CEDAW 64/2013


Concerning T.N. (represented by counsel, Tyge Trier) vs Denmark for violation of articles 17 of CEDAW. The author is a citizen of the United States who married a Danish national. The author alleges that her husband began to beat her and in 2010 the violence of her husband towards her and the children worsened. He […]

  • Decision: 3. November 2014
CEDAW 37/2012