Выставка Дэна Парка

Concerning Mr. M.J. vs Denmark for violation of articles 4 and 6 of CERD. In the year 2014, the Documentation and Advisory Centre on Racial Discrimination (DACoRD) filed a complaint on behalf of the author against Dan Park and others. The complaint was regarding an exhibition of the controversial Swedish artist held on October 23, […]

  • Decision: 1 December 2022
CERD 62/2018

Датские власти пропитаны «радикальной левой политической идеологией»

The author of the communication K. L. is a Danish citizen of Swedish descent, born on 28 November 1945. He directs his complaints against various public officials, municipal and State authorities from several branches of Government in Denmark on the ground, that they have persistently subjected him to discrimination, because of his ethnic, religious and […]

  • Decision: 26. March 1980
Human Rights
CCPR 59/1979