Deportation of the Afghan citizen, converted to Christianity 

Last updated on November 15th, 2023 at 11:58 am

S.Z.H., Afghan citizen, fears that if deported he will be killed or tortured on return to Afghanistan, since his converting to the Christianity is a violation of Islamic rules.

S.Z.H. entered Denmark in 2010 and applied for asylum, which was refused by Danish Immigration Service in 2011 and uphold by Danish Refugee Appeals Board in 2012.

S.Z.H. presented a communication to the CCPR v.Denmark in a violation of articles 6 and 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In 2014, while the case was under consideration the author was returned to Afghanistan by force.

In 2019, the CCPR decided to discontinue the consideration of the communication, as there was no possibility of contacting the author directly since his whereabouts have been unknown since his forcible return to Afghanistan.

15. November 2023

CCPR 2421/2014
Comm: Human Rights