Brother participating in equality movement case

Concerning Mr. S.S.B vs Denmark for violation of article 3 of CAT.

The author worked in a store in Sudan. Three men from the National Security Force entered the store and stabbed the author with a knife several times. The author’s brother was affiliated to the Justice and Equality Movement and the three men wanted to obtain information from the author about his brother’s whereabouts. The author was hospitalised. Here the police threatened to beat him to death if he did not disclose information about his brother. Thus the author fled Sudan and lived as an asylum seeker in Greece.

The author’s partner and their two children were granted residence permits in Denmark. Thus the author came to Denmark and applied for asylum. The Refugee Board rejected the author’s application for asylum as it did not find the author’s statements to be credible. Thus a complaint was sent to CAT.

The committee notes that even if it were to accept the author’s claims as true, the author has not provided any evidence that the authorities in Sudan had been looking for him in the recent past or were otherwise interested in him. Thus the committee concludes that the return of the author to Sudan would not reveal a breach of CAT.

20. July 2021

CAT 602/2014
  • Decision: 19. June 2017
  • Comm: Torture